GPT Analysis
Empower Your Investments! Unleash the Potential with Smart Stock Analysis!
Symbol | Company Name | Rating | Recommendation | Evaluation from GPT | Action | Time |
AAC-WS | Ares Acquisition Corporation - Warrants (01/01/9999) | 0 | Negative | Based on the provided financial indicators, it appears that AAC-WS does not have sufficient data available for analysis. The trailingPegRatio is not provided, and the quoteType is listed as NONE. Without these key indicators, it is difficult to assess the investment potential of AAC-WS. It is recommended to gather more information on the stock or consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. | | 2023-10-23 00:10:14 |
AACIU | Armada Acquisition Corp I - Units (1 Ord & 1/2 War) | 0 | Negative | Based on the financial indicators provided, it is important to note that AACIU is a shell company with no reported financial activity or trading volume. The lack of financial data and market activity makes it difficult to assess the investment potential of AACIU. Additionally, the company has | | 2023-07-28 05:39:09 |
ALPAW | Alpha Healthcare Acquisition Corp III - Warrants (01/04/2026) | 0 | Negative | Based on the provided financial indicators for ALPAW, it is difficult to assess the stock's potential for investment. The information given does not provide sufficient data to make an informed decision. Additional financial metrics such as earnings per share, price-to-earnings ratio, and market capitalization are needed to properly evaluate the stock. It is recommended to gather more information and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. | | 2023-06-29 23:03:58 |
AAC-WS | Ares Acquisition Corporation - Warrants (01/01/9999) | 0 | Negative | Based on the provided financial indicators, it appears that AAC-WS does not have sufficient data available for analysis. The trailingPegRatio is not provided, and the quoteType is listed as NONE. Without these key indicators, it is difficult to assess the investment potential of AAC-WS. It is recommended to gather more information on the stock or consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. | | 2023-10-23 00:10:14 |
CQQQ | Invesco China Technology ETF | 0 | Negative | The Invesco China Technology ETF (CQQQ) is an exchange-traded fund that tracks the performance of Chinese technology companies. The ETF has a year-to-date change of -0.15, indicating a slight decline in value. The year high for CQQQ was $44.05 and the year low was $27.68, indicating some volatility in the stock. The day high and low for CQQQ were $35.11 and $34.76 respectively. The stock's last price was $34.82 and it had a previous close of $34.78. The ETF has a 50-day average of $34.07 and a 200-day average of $34.48. The ten-day average volume is 124,740 shares and the three-month average volume is 179,695 shares. Overall, the stock has seen moderate trading volume. The market cap and shares outstanding information for CQQQ is not available. Considering the recent performance and volatility of the stock, as well as the lack of market cap information, it is not possible to provide a rating or sentiment for this stock at this time. | | 2024-06-11 17:37:20 |
AAMC | Altisource Asset Management Corp | 18 | Negative | Altisource Asset Management Corp (AAMC) is a company that specializes in providing private credit, particularly in underserved markets. However, the company has faced challenges in recent years, with a significant decline in its stock price. The stock currently trades at a year low of $2.64, which is significantly lower than its year high of $60.88. The company's financial indicators also raise concerns, with a two hundred day average of $20.54, indicating a significant downward trend. With a year change of -0.73, it is evident that AAMC has struggled in the market. Additionally, the stock has a | | 2024-01-21 13:45:41 |
AAMC | Altisource Asset Management Corp | 18 | Negative | Altisource Asset Management Corp (AAMC) is a company that specializes in providing private credit, particularly in underserved markets. However, the company has faced challenges in recent years, with a significant decline in its stock price. The stock currently trades at a year low of $2.64, which is significantly lower than its year high of $60.88. The company's financial indicators also raise concerns, with a two hundred day average of $20.54, indicating a significant downward trend. With a year change of -0.73, it is evident that AAMC has struggled in the market. Additionally, the stock has a | | 2024-01-21 13:45:41 |
AAMC | Altisource Asset Management Corp | 18 | Negative | Altisource Asset Management Corp (AAMC) is a company that specializes in providing private credit, particularly in underserved markets. However, the company has faced challenges in recent years, with a significant decline in its stock price. The stock currently trades at a year low of $2.64, which is significantly lower than its year high of $60.88. The company's financial indicators also raise concerns, with a two hundred day average of $20.54, indicating a significant downward trend. With a year change of -0.73, it is evident that AAMC has struggled in the market. Additionally, the stock has a | | 2024-01-21 13:45:41 |
AAMC | Altisource Asset Management Corp | 18 | Negative | Altisource Asset Management Corp (AAMC) is a company that specializes in providing private credit, particularly in underserved markets. However, the company has faced challenges in recent years, with a significant decline in its stock price. The stock currently trades at a year low of $2.64, which is significantly lower than its year high of $60.88. The company's financial indicators also raise concerns, with a two hundred day average of $20.54, indicating a significant downward trend. With a year change of -0.73, it is evident that AAMC has struggled in the market. Additionally, the stock has a | | 2024-01-21 13:45:41 |
AAC | Ares Acquisition Corporation - Class A | 20 | Negative | Ares Acquisition Corporation (AAC) is a shell company operating in the financial services sector. With a market capitalization of $760 million, AAC has been trading between a 52-week range of $9.84 and $10.60. The stock's beta of 0.0116 indicates low volatility compared to the overall market. AAC's financial indicators are not very favorable, with Considering the lack of | | 2023-07-19 17:51:59 |
AACI | Armada Acquisition Corp I | 20 | Negative | Armada Acquisition Corp. I (AACI) is a shell company in the financial services sector. The company's financial indicators show a lack of significant activity and profitability, with a Considering these factors, it is difficult to determine the potential for growth or value in investing in AACI. It would be prudent to look for other investment options with better financial performance and stability. | | 2023-07-02 03:33:53 |
ACABU | Atlantic Coastal Acquisition Corp II - Units (1 Ord Class A & 1/2 War) | 20 | Negative | Based on the financial indicators provided, it appears that Atlantic Coastal Acquisition Corp. II (ACABU) is not a good investment option. The company has very low trading volumes and does not seem to have any | | 2023-06-27 19:28:07 |
ACAC | Acri Capital Acquisition Corp - Class A | 20 | Negative | Acri Capital Acquisition Corporation (ACAC) is a shell company in the Financial Services sector. It has a market capitalization of $62,407,356 and a trailing P/E ratio of 107.6. ACAC's stock price has shown some stability, with a fifty-two-week range between $9.97 and $10.93. The company does not pay dividends. ACAC has a low volume of 5,955 shares traded, which may indicate limited investor interest. The financial indicators, such as profit margins and net income, are not available or are zero. ACAC's financials present a high level of risk and uncertainty, making it less attractive for investment opportunities. Therefore, the sentiment towards ACAC is | | 2023-07-13 14:47:28 |
ACON | Aclarion Inc | 20 | Negative | Aclarion, Inc. (ACON) is a health information services company operating in the Healthcare sector. The company has a market capitalization of $5,796,382 and operates with 7 full-time employees. ACON provides health information services, but it currently has | | 2023-07-05 13:29:27 |
ADMP | Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corp | 20 | Negative | Adamis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (ADMP) is a pharmaceutical company specializing in the development and commercialization of therapeutic products. While ADMP has a high beta of 1.21, indicating higher volatility compared to the market, the stock has significantly declined over the past year, with a 52-week change of -92.8%. The company's financials are concerning, with | | 2023-08-04 08:19:22 |
AMC | AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc - Class A | 20 | Negative | AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. (AMC) is a communication services company in the entertainment industry. With a market capitalization of $4.1 billion, AMC operates a chain of movie theaters worldwide. However, the company faced significant challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic due to the closure of theaters and the shift towards streaming platforms. AMC's financial indicators, such as a | | 2023-07-24 08:57:34 |
DFLI | Dragonfly Energy Holdings Corp | 20 | Negative | Dragonfly Energy Holdings Corp (DFLI) is a company operating in the electrical equipment and parts industry within the industrials sector. The company has a market capitalization of $166.72 million and a 52-week high of $28.75. However, its stock price has declined significantly over the past year, with a current price of $2.91. DFLI has a | | 2023-07-25 14:56:26 |
FGEN | FibroGen Inc | 20 | Negative | FibroGen, Inc. (FGEN) is a biotechnology company operating in the healthcare sector. The company has a | | 2023-10-02 08:43:12 |
JMIA | Jumia Technologies Ag | 20 | Negative | Jumia Technologies AG (JMIA) is a German internet retail company operating in the consumer cyclical sector. The company has a market capitalization of $313.92 million and operates in the internet retail industry. JMIA has a | | 2023-09-05 09:58:46 |
MULN | Mullen Automotive Inc | 20 | Negative | Mullen Automotive Inc (MULN) has experienced a significant decrease in its stock price over the past year, with a year change of -99.88%. The stock currently trades at $7.82 per share, which is below both the fifty-day average of $14.97 and the two hundred-day average of $383.75. This indicates a strong downward trend in the stock price. The market cap of MULN is $46.02 million, and its shares outstanding are 5,884,690. Given the current state of the stock, it is not recommended to invest in MULN. The stock has seen a sharp decline, and the market conditions do not appear to be favorable for a recovery. The rating for MULN is 20 out of 100, reflecting the poor performance and outlook for the stock. The sentiment is | | 2024-01-21 13:44:23 |