GPT Analysis
Empower Your Investments! Unleash the Potential with Smart Stock Analysis!
Symbol | Company Name | Rating | Recommendation | Evaluation from GPT | Action | Time |
00017 | NEW WORLD DEV | 50 | Negative | 0017.HK is a stock listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. It has a market capitalization of HKD 16,987,050,432. The stock has a yearHigh of HKD 16.70 and a yearLow of HKD 6.55, indicating significant volatility. The lastPrice of the stock is HKD 6.75. The stock is currently trading below its twoHundredDayAverage of HKD 9.20, suggesting a downward trend. The stock has experienced a | | 2024-09-08 06:16:49 |
06060 | ZA ONLINE | 50 | Negative | Based on the provided financial indicators for 6060.HK, the stock appears to have experienced a decline in its performance over the past year. The year change is | | 2024-07-12 00:58:28 |
02899 | ZIJIN MINING | 65 | Neutral | 2899.HK is a stock listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange. It has a market capitalization of HKD 478,665,122,814.66, making it a large-cap stock. The stock's year change is | | 2024-06-20 22:53:00 |
02269 | WUXI BIO | 40 | Negative | Based on the given financial indicators for 2269.HK, the stock seems to be performing quite poorly. The year-to-date change is | | 2024-06-18 08:42:47 |
03690 | MEITUAN-W | 75 | Positive | Based on the provided financial indicators for 3690.HK, it appears to be a potential investment option. The stock's last price of HKD 116.90 is higher than the previous close, indicating | | 2024-06-17 06:46:38 |
01810 | XIAOMI-W | 70 | Positive | 1810.HK is a stock listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with a last price of HKD 17.32. The stock has a market capitalization of HKD 432.70 billion, indicating it is a large-cap stock. The stock has a year-to-date return of 0.58%, which suggests it has performed relatively well compared to the overall market. The stock is currently trading close to its fifty-day moving average of HKD 17.56, indicating a stable trend. The stock's year high is HKD 20.35, while the year low is HKD 9.86. Based on these financial indicators, the stock seems to be worth investing in. Therefore, the sentiment is | | 2024-06-17 06:46:25 |
00700 | TENCENT | 90 | Positive | Tencent Holdings (0700.HK) is a leading technology company in Hong Kong. Key financial indicators show | | 2024-06-17 06:43:21 |
09988 | BABA-SW | 65 | Positive | After analyzing the key financial indicators for 9988.HK, it is observed that the stock has a strong market capitalization of HKD 1,400,614,241,102.89, indicating its significant size and stability. The stock has been trading in a range between 71.15 and 73.0, with the average price over the past 50 days being 75.454. The year change is Considering the aforementioned financial indicators and the current stock price of 72.4, it is important to conduct further analysis to determine the investment potential. It is recommended to review additional fundamental and technical factors such as the company's financial statements, industry outlook, and market trends to make a more informed investment decision. | | 2024-06-17 06:41:51 |
00207 | JOY CITY PPT | 40 | Negative | 0207.HK is a stock listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Based on the provided financial indicators, the stock has been experiencing a downward trend over the past year, as indicated by a The stock's last price of 0.246 HKD is higher than the previous close of 0.238 HKD. The fifty-day average is 0.230 HKD, and the two-hundred-day average is 0.238 HKD. The stock has a relatively high volume, with an average of 5.4 million shares traded over the last three months. Based on the provided information, the sentiment for investing in 0207.HK is ' | | 2024-05-16 09:52:19 |
00939 | CCB | 85 | Positive | Based on the provided financial indicators, the stock 0939.HK appears to be a promising investment option. The stock has shown consistent growth over time, with a | | 2024-05-10 08:56:41 |
01137 | HK TECH VENTURE | 35 | Negative | 1137.HK is a stock listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange with a market capitalization of HKD 1,599,382,728.83. The stock has a last price of HKD 1.80 and a previous close of HKD 1.76. It has a year high of HKD 4.84 and a year low of HKD 1.45. The stock has seen a significant decline in its share price over the past year, with a year change of -62.55%. The two hundred-day average indicates a downtrend, suggesting that the stock has been underperforming in the long term. The fifty-day average is slightly higher than the current price, indicating a potential short-term | | 2024-05-09 04:52:55 |
00160 | HON KWOK LAND | 50 | Neutral | 0160.HK is a stock listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKG). It has a market cap of HKD 1,152,686,404.3763657. The stock has shown volatility with a year high of HKD 2.13 and a year low of HKD 1.18. The current price is HKD 1.60, which is close to its 52-week high. The stock's year-to-date change is -20%, indicating a decline in value. The stock's average trading volume is around 83,367 shares over the past three months, while the ten-day average volume is higher at 123,083 shares. The company's financial performance and industry outlook should be considered before making any investment decisions. | | 2024-05-09 04:52:38 |
01168 | SINOLINK HOLD | 50 | Negative | 1168.HK is a stock listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Its previous close was HKD 0.119, and the last price is HKD 0.123. The stock has a 52-week high of HKD 0.176 and a low of HKD 0.062. The stock has experienced a | | 2024-05-09 04:52:25 |
01668 | CHINASOUTHCITY | 30 | Negative | Based on the key financial indicators provided, the stock 1668.HK has exhibited a significant decline in its year-to-date performance with a | | 2024-05-09 04:45:13 |
01098 | ROAD KING INFRA | 40 | Negative | Based on the financial indicators provided, stock ticker 1098.HK does not appear to be a favorable investment option. The stock's year change of -0.64 suggests a decline in value over the past year. Additionally, the current stock price of 1.21 HKD is below both the fifty-day and two-hundred-day averages, indicating a bearish trend. The low year high of 3.57 HKD further reinforces the lack of potential for significant growth. However, it is important to conduct a more comprehensive analysis, taking into account the company's financial statements and industry trends before making a final judgment. | | 2024-05-06 07:33:55 |
00089 | TAI SANG LAND | 35 | Negative | Based on the key financial indicators for 0089.HK, the stock seems to be in a | | 2024-05-06 07:33:38 |
01140 | WEALTHKING INV | 25 | Negative | Based on the provided financial indicators, it is clear that the stock 1140.HK has shown a significant decrease in value over the past year, with a year change of -64.21%. This decline is further emphasized by the fact that the year high is 0.53 and the current price is only 0.13. The stock has also shown a downward trend in its two-hundred day average, with a value of 0.15. Furthermore, the volume of shares traded is relatively low, with an average three-month volume of 429,152. Considering these factors, along with the fact that the stock is trading below its fifty and two-hundred day averages, it is evident that investing in 1140.HK may not be a recommended option at this time. | | 2024-05-06 07:33:26 |
00242 | SHUN TAK HOLD | 40 | Negative | 0242.HK is a stock listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The company has a market cap of HKD 2,414,127,959.17 and a total of 3,017,659,904 shares outstanding. The stock has been trading in a range of HKD 0.67 to HKD 1.43 over the past year. The current price is HKD 0.80, which is below the 200-day moving average of HKD 0.99. The year-to-date performance of the stock has been | | 2024-05-06 07:31:21 |
02136 | LIFESTYLE CHI | 0 | Negative | The stock with ticker symbol 2136.HK is currently trading at HKD 0.7599. The stock has a market cap of HKD 1,112,982,022.51, which indicates that it is a mid-cap stock. The stock has a year-to-date change of -33.63%, suggesting that it has performed poorly so far this year. The stock's year high is HKD 1.15, and the year low is HKD 0.55. The 50-day average price is HKD 0.6796, and the 200-day average price is HKD 0.8071. The stock is currently trading close to its 50-day average price, which indicates that it may be finding support at this level. The stock's volume is relatively low, with a 10-day average volume of 339,450 shares. Based on these indicators, it is difficult to determine the overall sentiment and rating for this stock without additional information. | | 2024-05-06 07:30:59 |
00658 | C TRANSMISSION | 35 | Negative | 0658.HK is a stock listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The stock has a market capitalization of approximately HKD 1,389,996,525. It is currently trading at HKD 0.85 per share, which is close to its previous close of HKD 0.85. The stock's year high was HKD 3.06 and its year low was HKD 0.66, indicating significant price volatility. The stock's fifty-day average is HKD 0.95, which is lower than the current price. The two-hundred-day average is HKD 1.69, significantly higher than the current price. The stock's year change is -0.70, indicating a decline in value over the past year. Based on the provided information, it seems that 0658.HK has been experiencing a declining trend and significant price volatility. Therefore, the sentiment for this stock is ' | | 2024-05-06 07:22:48 |