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Use this simple framework to maintain meaningful connections and stay socially fit, says Harvard-trained social scientist 2024-06-19 16:56:00+00:00 - There are plenty of guidelines for physical fitness — from getting in 10,000 steps to drinking eight glasses of water every single day — but we aren't often given recommendations for keeping your social life in good health. Kasley Killam, a Harvard-trained social scientist and leading expert in social health, came up with a social workout plan that people can use to maintain their social fitness. Killam detailed the method in her recently published book, "The Art and Science of Connection." "The 5-3-1 guideline is meant to be like a reference point for people," Killam tells CNBC Make It. Just like the recommendation of sleeping for eight hours a night, the 5-3-1 guideline is a research-based suggestion.
Cheapfakes get an indefensible boost from powerful GOP partisans 2024-06-19 16:48:52+00:00 - There is no ambiguity as to what happened during President Joe Biden’s attendance at the G7 summit in Italy. We know with certainty, for example, that the incumbent Democrat congratulated a skydiving paratrooper who had just landed nearby during a gathering of international leaders. We also know that a deliberately misleading video from the event quickly made the rounds: Because the skydiver was not in frame, a deceptive clip gave the impression that a befuddled Biden wandered off for no reason, confused and addled, despite the context that proved otherwise. It was ugly, but it wasn’t unusual. The right creates low-cost “cheapfakes“ like these all the time. Indeed, within days of the deceitful video out of Italy, a similar video made the rounds among conservatives showing Biden purportedly freezing onstage at a fundraiser. In the full context, it was clear the president simply paused to take in some applause. In another recent instance, a similarly deceptive clip circulated that seemed to show the president reaching for a non-existent chair, though in reality, there was a chair. Of course, as these clips go viral, many of the people who watch them have no idea that they’ve been deceived. Indeed, that’s the point of the effort. NBC News reported this morning on the misleading G7 video: Google recommended false versions of the story as “top stories” and the deceptive videos continued to accumulate millions of views on X. Copies of the videos were replayed on TikTok and YouTube with little context and zero indication that they were part of a concerted disinformation campaign. Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, applied fact-checking labels to some posts but not to all. There’s no great mystery as to the larger dynamic. Many of Biden’s critics want to focus on his age, so they disseminate cheapfakes in the hopes of fooling people. Thanks to the way online platforms often work, the scam is effective and has the intended effect. Fact-checkers try to keep up, but it’s a losing battle — in part because the avalanche of misleading videos is so intense, and in part because far more people will see the deceptive videos than the accurate reports that set the record straight. But there’s a dimension to this that deserves special attention. A separate NBC News report this week highlighted the fact that the Republican National Committee and major conservative media outlets have played a key role in blasting out the deceptive videos. Fox News personalities and the New York Post, not surprisingly, are among the most notable offenders. Donald Trump, of course, has engaged in the same tactics. And that’s the part of this that stands out for me. Those who’ve spent time online in recent years have come to recognize the benefit of being a cautious news consumer: Images are routinely photoshopped. AI is increasingly used to create deceptive content. Video clips are often taken out of context. It’s wrong and offensive, but there are plenty of activists who want to mislead the public, and there are too many undiscerning end-users who fall for the scam, fueling the cycle and creating the demand for more. But while we’ve come to expect such tactics from random right-wing activists, operating on the fringes, the Republican Party is one of the nation’s two major parties. Donald Trump might soon be the leader of the free world. Outlets like Fox News and the New York Post might have dreadful reputations, but they ostensibly present themselves to the public as legitimate, independent news organizations. When they embrace these tactics, they make the larger problem vastly worse. I’m mindful of the fact that the right will respond that the left has its share of perpetrators, too. It’s a fair point. In fact, MSNBC published a great report yesterday from Hany Farid, a professor at the School of Information at the University of California, Berkeley, who noted that deceptive images, purportedly showing Trump asleep during his recent criminal trial, were also recently circulated online. But therein lies the point: Biden didn’t help promote or disseminate those misleading pictures. Neither did the Democratic National Committee or news outlets popular with Democratic voters. The tactics might be bipartisan, but there’s a qualitative difference between how the parties are approaching and dealing with cheapfakes. The line between the GOP, its media allies, and the right-wing fringe continues to blur to the point of non-existence.
Policing minister’s wife reported to CPS over corporate espionage claims 2024-06-19 16:39:00+00:00 - A leading businesswoman who is married to the policing minister, Chris Philp, has been reported to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) by a former employer and is being sued in the high court over allegations of corporate espionage. Elizabeth Philp, 40, whose husband has called for “zero tolerance” to all crime, is accused of data-handling offences and unlawfully using confidential information from her former employer to set up a rival business. She denies the allegations and is countersuing her former employer, whom she accuses of cyber-attacking the website of the company she subsequently founded. The legal tussle centres on the departure of Philp from the London Specialist Pharmacy Group (LSPG), where she was chief executive until 2017, and the founding of her own company, Roseway Labs. Her former employer has accused her of having stored and retained “trade secrets” on a Dell XPS laptop computer that was not wiped before she left the company. It is further claimed that, along with three other former London Specialist Pharmacy employees, Philp conspired to poach her former employer’s client lists for their new firm, leading to losses of approximately £1.5m. In Philp’s defence and counterclaim, she denies the allegations and claims that a delay in carrying out a factory reset of her laptop was the result of being “fully involved in supporting her husband’s campaign as part of the 8 June 2017 general election”. “To the best of her recollection, [Elizabeth Philp] did not access the laptop at any time following her cessation of work for the claimants prior to the performance of the factory reset,” the defence says. The LSPG has also detailed a number of occasions when Philp’s alleged co-conspirators are said to have downloaded confidential information or sent it to personal email addresses. In response, it is claimed that the information was not confidential and had been sent as part of the normal course of work. The General Pharmaceutical Council rejected a complaint last October relating to one of the employees. The claimants, Gluck Health Limited and its subsidiary, the London Specialist Pharmacy, are seeking the return of a £10,000 termination payment given to Philp along with hundreds of thousands of pounds in damages. In a letter to the CPS, lawyers acting for the London Specialist Pharmacy also claim that Philp and the other former employees committed offences under section 170 of the Data Protection Act 2018. Philp said she had not been contacted by the CPS or the police. She now describes herself as the co-founder and chief executive of Roseway Labs, a pharmacy that was founded in 2018 to work with private doctors to offer personalised medicine. The company provides medications for health issues such as hair loss, skin problems and hormone imbalances, a sector in which the LSPG claimed it had a “near monopoly” before Roseway was founded. The legal action is the latest twist in a bitter rivalry between Dr Marion Gluck, 74, who founded Gluck Health Limited, and Philp’s company. Gluck, who is regarded as a pioneer in the treatment of hormonal imbalances, was suspended from medical practice for four months in September after she was found to have accessed restricted parts of Roseway’s website after borrowing the log-in details. The data breach was discovered and reported by Philp in 2022. Gluck had denied personally accessing the details, but she accepted that she “facilitated” the use of the login address for her staff, claiming it was to study the format of Roseway’s website. Lawyers for Roseway are now seeking damages. Philp said: “Roseway Labs was the victim of a deliberate and sustained cyber-attack by the Specialist Pharmacy, which only raised allegations against Roseway Labs once it was clear that their activities had been discovered. “This was four years after Roseway Labs had started trading. Nothing of substance has been raised. Roseway Labs reported the attack to the Information Commissioner’s Office, which suggested that we report it to the police under the Computer Misuse Act. “We chose not to do so at that time and, instead, reported it to the relevant regulators. At no point has Roseway Labs received any contact from the police or the Crown Prosecution Service and [Roseway Labs] has not committed any offence.” Philp’s husband is standing to be re-elected as the MP for Croydon South. This February, he called for a significant increase in the number of arrests, arguing that there was no such thing as a minor crime. “I want to see zero tolerance towards all crime from the police and a back-to-basics approach that significantly increases the number of criminals caught and prosecuted,” he said.
Meet 7 Weed Content Creators Redefining Cannabis Culture In Latin America 2024-06-19 16:38:00+00:00 - Loading... Loading... Latin America's cannabis scene is undergoing a massive overhaul, with the plant slowly gaining public acceptance and permeating the mainstream, being carefully woven into the fabric of daily life, even showing up on huge TV shows and hit songs. This is all-encompassed by the changing laws and regulations, which herald a cannabis boom throughout the region. Analysts estimate that the Latin American cannabis market could skyrocket to billions in sales in a few years with both medical and recreational use gaining legal status in countries like Uruguay, Colombia, Argentina and Mexico, among others. The surge in market value, from $168 million in 2020 to an estimated $824 million by the end of 2024, point to the influence Latin America is gaining as a global leader in cannabis cultivation and innovation. This trend is fostered by favorable legislation, a strategic location and economic benefits, such as production costs up to 80% lower than in North America. These factors, especially the decline in the persecution of consumers and growers, are in turn laying the groundwork for influential content creators who are reshaping the cannabis narrative and its future in Latin America. These influencers, activists and storytellers are demystifying cannabis, challenging longstanding stigmas and fostering a community that's both informed and inclusive. Their platforms range from Instagram and YouTube to podcasts and blogs, each offering a unique lens on the cannabis experience in Latin America. They cover a spectrum of topics, from the intricacies of cultivation and the benefits of medicinal cannabis to the joys and challenges of navigating a rapidly evolving legal landscape. So, let’s delve into the world of Latin American cannabis content creators, exploring the individuals behind the accounts and peeling back the layers of a movement that's as diverse as it is dynamic; one that's rooted in a deep love for the plant and a fervent belief in its potential to heal, inspire and transform. Tomás Cott (TC): A Day In The Life Of A Cannabis Enthusiast Country: Argentina. Content type: Cannabis-infused lifestyle. TC. COURTESY OF TOMAS COTT Tomás Cott, widely recognized by his initials, TC, challenges the stereotypes that have clouded the perception of cannabis users for decades. With a mission to eradicate the stigma associated with cannabis, TC's approach is anything but conventional. Through his social media platforms, he offers a glimpse into the daily life of a regular Latino who integrates cannabis into his routine, from breakfast to bedtime. His narrative is a powerful testament to the normalcy of cannabis consumption, illustrating that enjoying cannabis doesn't detract from one's productivity or social responsibilities. Born in 1995 and introduced to cannabis at a young age, TC's journey is emblematic of a generation's exploration and acceptance of cannabis. His initial experiences with brick weed, the only available form of cannabis at the time, marked the beginning of a lifelong relationship with the plant. TC's recount of his transition from consuming brick weed to growing his own highlights his personal growth, as well as the evolving cannabis culture in Argentina. TC's narrative extends beyond personal anecdotes, touching on the broader implications of cannabis acceptance within family dynamics and societal perceptions. Thus, TC's journey from a curious teenager to a prominent content creator and cannabis advocate exemplifies the shift in perception towards cannabis in Latin America. Through his content, TC not only entertains but educates, pushing for a future where cannabis is understood and appreciated for its myriad benefits. Mau Lamonica: Crafting Excellence In The Craft Cannabis Craft Country: Argentina. Content type: Home growing, strain hunting and rare genetics. Mau Lamonica. COURESY OF MAU LAMONICA Mau Lamonica is not just a cultivator: he is an artist in the truest sense, weaving together expertise and passion to create a cannabis experience that transcends the ordinary. At the helm of the Flowers and Terps cannabis club, Lamonica has elevated the craft of cannabis cultivation to an art form, earning the admiration and respect of peers and enthusiasts alike – even the biggest musicians on earth turn to Mau for some good weed whenever they visit his home town, Buenos Aires. His journey into the world of cannabis cultivation is marked by meticulous attention to detail and a relentless pursuit of perfection, traits that have positioned him as a leading figure in the Latin American cannabis community. Endorsed by the iconic Don Rouch, a figure synonymous with innovation and excellence in the Argentine trap scene, Lamonica's cannabis strains are celebrated not just for their quality but for their artistic expression. This unique blend of artistry and agriculture caught the eye of Don Rouch, who recognized Lamonica's work as a true masterpiece. The collaboration between the two culminated in a remarkable piece of jewelry, a tangible symbol of the beauty and value inherent in Lamonica's cannabis. Beyond the accolades and the recognition, Mau Lamonica's work with Flowers and Terps is driven by a profound connection to the plant and its therapeutic potential. His approach is holistic, considering not just the end product but the journey, from seed to harvest to consumption. This dedication to quality and integrity has not only endeared him to a broad audience, including prominent figures like trap superstar Duki, but has also set a high standard for the industry. Lamonica's vision extends beyond cultivation; it's about creating a community that respects and appreciates cannabis for its myriad benefits, advocating for a future where cannabis is recognized not just as a commodity but as a key to wellness and creativity. In fact, he just recently organized the first big community meetup (for charity, by the way) in Argentina, filling up one of the biggest theatres in the country. Vale Verdosa: A Voice For Those Imprisoned For Growing Weed Country: Chile. Content type: Activism and education. Vale Verdosa and Simon Espinosa. COURTESY OF VALE VERDOSA Vale Verdosa, known for her leadership at the Dispensario Nacional and as the president of the Activismo Cannábico Chile organization, is a formidable force in the Latin American cannabis scene. Her journey began with a personal quest for relief from the debilitating pain of dysmenorrhea, leading her to discover the therapeutic benefits of cannabis. This experience was transformative, not just in managing her condition but in igniting a passion for advocacy and education around the medicinal uses of cannabis. Verdosa's work is now synonymous with empowerment and support for women, particularly in the areas of gestation and lactation, where she champions informed, safe cannabis use under medical guidance. In Chile, where the legal landscape around cannabis is complex and often restrictive, Verdosa has been at the forefront of pushing for change. Her efforts have been pivotal in challenging the status quo, advocating for the rights of cannabis users and providing a support network for those affected by harsh legal actions against medicinal and personal cannabis cultivation. Her activism is not just about cannabis, it's about human rights, challenging the overreach of law enforcement and the judiciary that has left many in needless suffering. The constitutional push led by Verdosa and her colleagues, aiming to embed cannabis rights within Chile's legal framework, marks a significant moment in the country's cannabis advocacy. Despite facing setbacks, her resolve remains unshaken, reflecting a broader movement toward recognizing cannabis not just as a matter of personal freedom but as a critical issue of public health and social justice. Verdosa's vision extends beyond the immediate legal victories: she is building a legacy of empowerment, education and advocacy that will benefit generations to come. Matías Nicolás Cardozo (AKA Matca Films): Capturing Cannabis Through A Unique Lens Country: Argentina. Content type: Artsy photography, macro photography, video and facility tours. Matca Films Shows Off The Work Of Don Marcelino y Los Cocos. COURTESY OF MATCA FILMS Matías Nicolás Cardozo, better known by his professional moniker Matca Films – also the name of his production and marketing company, brings an artistic dimension to the cannabis culture in Latin America through his captivating photography and videography. His work transcends traditional portrayals of cannabis, offering viewers a glimpse into the plant's beauty and complexity. Cardozo's journey into cannabis photography is driven by a deep-seated passion for both the plant and the art of visual storytelling, drawing inspiration from his familial legacy and personal experiences with cannabis. Matías Cardozo. COURTESY OF MATÍAS CARDOZO Traveling to California to capture the essence of cannabis cultivation and culture, Cardozo faced challenges and restrictions head-on, navigating the evolving landscape of cannabis legality with determination and creativity. His efforts paid off, leading to opportunities to showcase the cannabis industry in a new light, through commercial projects and artistic endeavors that highlight the plant's aesthetics and its multifaceted role in society. Cardozo's recommendation to connect with the plant on a personal level before capturing it through the lens speaks to his philosophical approach to photography. It's not just about the technical aspects of the craft but about understanding and conveying the spirit of cannabis. His work with Matca Films not only elevates cannabis photography but also contributes to the broader narrative of cannabis normalization and appreciation, blending art, advocacy and entrepreneurship in a unique and impactful way. Sister Camilla: Pioneering Compassion And Cannabis Activism In Mexico Country: Mexico. Content type: Cultivation, culture, education, unity and activism. Sisters of the Valley. COURTESY OF SISTERS OF THE VALLEY Sister Camilla, co-founder of Sisters of the Valley Mexico, represents a new chapter in the global narrative of cannabis advocacy and holistic healing. Born in Puebla and armed with a robust academic background, including an associate's degree in Business Administration, a BA in International Business and a master's in Economics, Sister Camilla's journey is a testament to the power of combining scholarly rigor with a profound commitment to social change. Her research, which has delved into knowledge transfer from research centers to industry and university entrepreneurship, now serves as a foundational pillar in her advocacy for cannabis, focusing on its recognition, uses and properties within Mexican society and the broader Spanish-speaking world. The Sisters of the Valley, though not affiliated with any religious order, share a devotion to healing the world through plant-based medicine, drawing inspiration from their Beguine ancestors. Sister Camilla, alongside her sisterhood, is at the forefront of this mission, crafting organic health products that are saged to the moon cycles, embodying a reverence for ancient traditions and the Earth's plants. Their operation, rooted in the agriculturally rich Central Valley, is a beacon of hope and empowerment, creating honorable jobs and promoting a model of compassionate activism, spirituality and service. With the opening of an online store in Tijuana, Sister Camilla and Sister Luna have brought the Sisters of the Valley's mission to Mexico, overcoming legal hurdles and logistical challenges to make plant-based medicine accessible. Their vow, taken in the Californian farm during the summer of 2018, marked the beginning of a dedicated effort to educate and serve their community, offering classes on creating salves and pure vegetable oil. As the legal landscape around CBD evolves in Mexico, Sister Camilla's leadership and vision offer a promising path forward, aiming to bring the healing powers of nature's gifts to the people of Mexico, embodied by the Sisters' guiding principle: to bridge the gap between Mother Earth and her suffering people. Cris Roots: Navigating The Digital Frontier While Preaching The Living Soil Gospel Country: Argentina. Content type: Grow techniques for living soil cultivators and beyond. Cris Roots at his Grow Op. COURTESY OF CRIS ROOTS Cris Roots stands out as a digital pioneer in the Latin American cannabis space, leveraging social media to educate and engage on the nuances of cannabis cultivation and its medicinal properties. His focus on living soil, a method that concentrates on organic cultivation using nutrient-rich soil ecosystems to enhance cannabis growth naturally, without synthetic inputs, has made him one of the key educational figures for home and professional growers across the entire Spanish-speaking world. Facing the challenges of restrictive platform policies head-on, Roots has battled against Meta’s account suspensions and censorship, turning these obstacles into opportunities for advocacy and dialogue. His journey is not just one of personal or professional development but is emblematic of the wider struggles faced by cannabis content creators in navigating the digital landscape. Roots' collaboration with legal counsel to challenge arbitrary platform regulations highlights a crucial intersection between technology, law and cannabis advocacy. By fighting for his digital space, Roots defends the broader community's right to share knowledge, experiences, and support around cannabis. His work underscores the importance of digital platforms as spaces for advocacy, education and community building in the modern cannabis movement. The resilience and innovation shown by Cris Roots in his campaign for digital rights and freedom of expression are inspiring. He embodies the spirit of the contemporary cannabis advocate: tech-savvy, legally astute and unwavering in the pursuit of justice and education. Chicks Vs Stigma: Empowering Women in Cannabis Country: Mexico. Content type: Education and entertainment with a sophisticated touch. Chicks Vs Stigma is shaping up to become a revolution led by women, for women, in the realm of cannabis. Founded by Brenda Hernández, this venture is an ode to the fight against the stigma surrounding marijuana, providing a space where consumption is ethical, informed and responsible. The inception of Chicks Vs Stigma in 2018 was driven by Hernández's personal encounter with medicinal marijuana, which opened her eyes to the profound gap in accessible, reliable information about cannabis. Recognizing the potential for education to combat stigma, she embarked on a mission to create a safe, prejudice-free space where women could learn about the benefits, types and ways to consume cannabis. This mission was fueled by a realization that many women, like herself, hesitated to share their experiences with the plant due to the myths that have long surrounded its use. A Bright Future For Cannabis In Latin America In the ever-evolving landscape of Latin American cannabis culture, individuals like Tomás Cott, Mau Lamonica, Vale Verdosa, Cris Roots, Matías Nicolás Cardozo Brenda Hernández and Sister Camilla are not merely participants but pivotal changemakers. Their narratives, rich with activism, innovation and a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of cannabis, are dismantling longstanding stigmas and fostering a new era of understanding and acceptance. Through platforms ranging from social media to grassroots activism, they're reshaping the discourse around cannabis, advocating for its medicinal benefits, economic potential and rightful place in society. As the cannabis movement in Latin America gains momentum, the contributions of these content creators and activists become increasingly significant. They're at the vanguard, challenging outdated perceptions and advocating for a future where cannabis is recognized for its myriad contributions to society and health care. Their work underscores a collective journey toward normalization and legalization, marking a pivotal chapter in Latin America's evolving relationship with cannabis. Through their efforts, a once-marginalized plant is being reevaluated as a source of healing, opportunity and community, setting the stage for profound societal change. Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Check out my website or some of my other work here. This article was originally published on Forbes and appears here with permission.
New York requiring paid break time for moms who need to pump breast milk at work, under new law 2024-06-19 16:13:18+00:00 - ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — New York moms returning to work after giving birth will now get paid break time when they need to pump breast milk at their jobs, under a new law that took effect Wednesday. Gov. Kathy Hochul said the law requires employers in the state to provide a half hour of paid break time to workers who need to express breast milk for up to three years after childbirth. “As New York’s first mom Governor, I am fighting every day to give working parents the protections they need to keep their families strong and healthy,” Hochul said in a news release. Employers are required to tell employees about the paid breaks. The law applies to all public and private employers in the state. The break time for pumping breast milk cannot be subtracted from an employee’s preexisting meal break or other paid break, according to state rules.
Juneteenth is more than a holiday. It’s a call to action. 2024-06-19 16:10:01+00:00 - Although it was only designated a federal holiday in 2021, Juneteenth National Independence Day has of course been celebrated in Black American communities since the late 1860s. But until President Joe Biden signed it into law, the holiday was not widely known to most Americans, who either had no prior knowledge of the historical significance of the day or saw the liberation of Black Americans from chattel slavery callously as a “Black thing” with limited social importance. Designating Juneteenth as a federal holiday, despite its fair share of critics and detractors, has birthed a renewed interest in the oft undiscussed issues of slavery, race and the most incendiary issue — reparations for the descendants of American slavery. I submit that the contention and tensions generated by this subject are a sign of hope. The very mention of Black reparations often ignites heated debates and sharp visceral reactions. I submit that the contention and tensions generated by this subject are a sign of hope. At the very least, American people are talking to one another. The contemporary reparations movement embodies a courage that the American public has not seen since the 1960s. In it, we recognize movements such as the historical United States Colored Troops, trade unionists, freedom riders, abolitionists, anti-war, anti-apartheid and unsung clubwomen activists who decimated the racist notions that Black Americans were inferior in body, mind and spirit. In 2024, we still have battles to fight. The reparations movement is an in-depth, multilateral one, which contrary to some misguided beliefs requires much more than providing funds to those impacted by the lasting effects of slavery. It will take some time, and many resources, to roll out. It’s important to understand that for reparations to be effective, we need to elect officials who will support a number of practical reparative measures, including a specific federal agency to holistically address the issues of Black Americans (think a new Freedmen's Bureau or a bureau of Black American affairs); a permanent nonpartisan Cabinet position for a Black American czar voted for by Black Americans; abolishing unjust lending and credit and home appraisal practices; restitution for descendants of Black veterans cheated out of GI Bill benefits; compensation for documentable victims of racial terrorism and systemic economic discrimination or exclusion; restitution for survivors of artists and inventors cheated by racist policies; tax holidays for Black businesses; a fund for Black farmers, and essential Black professional personnel (doctors, dentists, scientists, nurses and others); guaranteed minimum wage for incarcerated Black men, compensation for descendants of domestic and field workers cheated out of Social Security and sundry government benefits, abolition of blood quantum policy of the U.S. government, the creation of a fiducial brain trust to properly allocate funds to persons of solely American Black lineage, and a permanent working group to create a necessary national education program to impress upon all Americans why reparations are in their benefit. American history is entrenched in the institutional racism active in real time today; it is all around us. In our last conversations, my late dear friend the great historian Dr. John Hope Franklin and I discussed the Tulsa Massacre of 1921. His personal sense of loss could be felt in the wispiness of the timbre in his voice when he would recount the tragedy. My favorite elder maternal cousin, Matthew Fogg, has been fighting racism for more than 30 years in a class-action lawsuit against the U.S. Marshals Service. My former pastor, Congressman Rev. Walter Fauntroy, was with Martin Luther King Jr. when the Civil Rights Bill of 1964 was signed. He has endured all manner of attacks from people who have penalized him for his commitment to justice for Black Americans. Today, he is alone, wheelchair-bound, destitute and forgotten by many. I have extended family in East Saint Louis, where there has never been an accurate count of how many people were slaughtered by mobs, trade unionists and the Illinois National Guard. Major corporations continue to deliberately violate the EPA standard for polluting the environment of East Saint Louis with impunity. At the core of these seemingly unrelated issues is the continuing legacy of chattel slavery and its aftereffects — and powerful proof that we need functional reparations as an essential component to help repair our society. This November, scores of millions of citizens will have an opportunity to vote, and those of us eager to preserve our more perfect union and help Black Americans be truly able to pursue equality should support municipal, state, local and federal candidates who are courageous enough to confront the past with solutions, rather than excuses. We must involve ourselves via research and study and mobilizing like-minded people to pressure our elected leaders and members of the corporate and cultural elite. Juneteenth and the optimism that it has unleashed are blessings. That ballot you will hold and your voice in your throat are tools to make true the promise of democracy. When November comes, it’s imperative that we all use them.
Justin Timberlake was arrested for a DWI. His mug shot is no joke. 2024-06-19 15:56:57+00:00 - News of Justin Timberlake’s arrest early Tuesday on suspicion of driving while intoxicated was for a few hours one of the top stories on the internet. This isn’t surprising, of course — Timberlake is a global pop star with a massive following and hordes of loyal fans. According to reports, the singer told Sag Harbor, New York, police that he had just one martini before getting behind the wheel. The police officer who pulled him over disagreed, writing: “The defendant was operating said vehicle in an intoxicated condition in that his eyes were bloodshot and glassy, a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage was emanating from his breath, he was unable to divide attention, he had slowed speech, he was unsteady afoot, and he performed poorly on all standardized field sobriety tests.” (Timberlake pleaded not guilty; His next court appearance has been scheduled for July 26.) When prominent figures are arrested for this type of offense, a predictable cycle of excuses and testimonials about their character tend to follow, often framing the alleged incident as an accident or mistake. While these perspectives may hold some truth, it’s crucial to acknowledge that driving under the influence is 100% preventable — and can be a deadly crime. And the broader normalization of driving under the influence in America is an indisputably dangerous trend that puts countless lives at risk every day. I should know: I’ve experienced the devastating consequences of impaired driving firsthand. On May 4, 2021, while on my way to work as a television news reporter, my life was irrevocably altered when a wrong-way drunk driver hit my car head-on. On May 4, 2021, while on my way to work as a television news reporter, my life was irrevocably altered when a wrong-way drunk driver hit my car head-on. The crash left me with severe injuries that required seven surgeries, four plates, 22 screws and months of rehabilitation. I recently found out that my shoulder is still broken, and I will likely need more corrective surgeries. I was fortunate, in my case. The person who hit me is serving a 3-year prison sentence. While I do not feel justice will ever truly be served, I know many families suffer without any accountability whatsoever Despite the grave danger posed by drunk driving, the conviction rate for DWI offenses remains disturbingly low, and the penalties often do not reflect the severity of the crime. According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving's most recent court monitoring report, 58.3% of the cases the group monitored in 2021 resulted in a guilty conviction. And 22% of those arrested had a prior drunk driving offense. Meanwhile, statistics show that roadway fatalities due to drunk driving are increasing. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, or the NHTSA, almost 37 people die every day in the United States because of drunk driving crashes. This averages out to one death every 39 minutes. MADD analyzed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data and estimated that “most offenders drive drunk at least 80 times before they are arrested.” These statistics should shock you. To address impaired driving, we need a multifaceted approach that includes a shift in attitudes and personal responsibility. It’s simple. If you drink, do not drive. I cannot stress this enough: If you plan to consume alcohol, make a plan for how you are going to get home, whether it be a sober driver, public transportation or a ride-share service. Impairment begins after the first drink. Research highlighted by the National Transportation Safety Board shows that even for drivers with blood alcohol levels below the .08 legal limit, the risk of being in a single-vehicle fatal crash is at least seven times higher than for drivers with no alcohol in their system. In other words, regardless of Timberlake’s specific circumstances or the amount of alcohol consumed, the decision to drive after drinking any alcohol inherently increases the risk of danger for himself and others on the road with him. Additionally, laws must be stricter, with harsher mandatory minimum sentences for offenders and harsher penalties for repeat offenders. Some states have already taken steps in this direction through mandatory all-offender ignition interlock laws, but uniformity is needed across the country. In New York state, the penalty for a DWI offense can include loss of driving privileges, fines and even jail time, depending on the severity of the circumstances. Timberlake’s recent arrest will undoubtedly remain a topic of discussion in the days ahead. But don't let it become a punchline. Perhaps the most promising legislative effort is the Honoring Abbas Family Legacy to Terminate (HALT) Drunk Driving Act, introduced in Congress in 2021. Signed into law by President Joe Biden, the law could eventually make advanced drunk driving prevention technology a standard safety feature, like an airbag or a seat belt. Such technology could significantly reduce drunk driving crashes by preventing impaired individuals from operating their vehicles in the first place. The proposed technology is passive, meaning that the sober driver should never know it’s there. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, this requirement could save more than 9,000 lives each year if implemented in all new passenger vehicles. Timberlake’s recent arrest will undoubtedly remain a topic of discussion in the days ahead. But don't let it become a punchline. Given his wealth, support network and resources, Timberlake had numerous options available to secure a safe ride home. Tragically, many victims of impaired driving aren’t afforded such choices. It is my hope that readers recognize the preventable nature of drunk driving and commit to consistently making responsible decisions. Somebody's life may depend on it — including their own.
US chipmaker onsemi will invest $2 billion in a chip production facility in the Czech Republic 2024-06-19 15:48:44+00:00 - PRAGUE (AP) — The U.S. chipmaker onsemi is planning a multi-year investment of up $2 billion in its production facility in the Czech Republic, the company and the Czech government said on Wednesday. The government said the money will be invested in the company’s existing production facility in the eastern Czech town of Roznov pod Radhostem. It’s the biggest single foreign investment in the country since the split of Czechoslovakia in 1993. The company based in Scottsdale, Arizona, currently produces 10 million chips a day in Roznov. The investment would increase production by hundreds of percent, the government said. It said the number of jobs created in Roznov will increase to 3,000 from the current 1,700. The company said the move “would solidify advanced power semiconductor supply chain for its European and global customer base.” “The site would produce the company’s intelligent power semiconductors that are essential for improving the energy efficiency of applications in electric vehicles, renewable energy and AI data centers,” it said in a statement. The car industry is a key part of the Czech economy. Germany’s Volkswagen that owns Skoda Auto, the country’s biggest export company, is a strategic partner for onsemi. The Czech government said it will negotiate with onsemi about incentives it can offer to the company.
X boss Elon Musk softens 'go f--- yourself' comment as he tries to woo advertisers back 2024-06-19 15:38:00+00:00 - Musk is attending Cannes Lions this week with an aim to reassure ad groups and global brands over the future of X. Elon Musk on Wednesday tried to walk back remarks lashing out at advertisers fleeing his X social media platform. At the Cannes Lions advertising festival in Cannes, France, Musk was asked by WPP CEO Mark Read what he meant by telling advertisers threatening to pull ads from the platform late last year to "go f--- yourself." Musk said it was meant as a general point on free speech rather than a comment to the wider advertising industry. "It wasn't to advertisers as a whole," Musk said. "It was with respect to freedom of speech, I think it is important to have a global free speech platform, where people from a wider range of opinions can voice their views." "In some cases, there were advertisers who were insisting on censorship," Musk said. "At the end of the day … if we have to make a choice between censorship and losing money, [or] censorship and money, or free speech and losing money, we're going to choose the second."
What's open and closed for Juneteenth? See which stores and restaurants are operating today. 2024-06-19 15:12:00+00:00 - Americans on June 19 are marking the third consecutive year of Juneteenth as a federally recognized holiday. Like on other federal holidays, some services and stores may be closed today to commemorate the holiday. Whether you need to run to the bank or to the store on Wednesday, it could be helpful to check whether the business will be operating during its normal hours before heading out the door. As a relatively new holiday, some businesses are choosing to mark the event, while others will remain open without changes to their regular schedules. Juneteenth — also known as Freedom Day, Emancipation Day or America's second Independence Day — commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S. after the Civil War. Even though it wasn't officially added to the national calendar until 2021, many Americans had celebrated it annually for more than a century. Read on to learn about what's open and closed on June 19. Is Costco open on Juneteenth? Yes, Costco's U.S. locations will be open on June 19th. The retailer only closes its doors for seven federal holidays, and Juneteenth isn't among them, according to its website. Its next holiday closure will be July 4. Is Walmart open on Juneteenth? Yes, according to Walmart's website, its U.S. locations are open on June 19th. Is Target open on Juneteenth? Target said its stores are open regular hours on Juneteenth. Is McDonald's open on Juneteenth? McDonald's said that hours will vary by location, but that most of its U.S. locations are open on holidays. It recommends that consumers use its store locator tool to confirm the hours of their nearby McDonald's. Are other stores and restaurants open on Juneteenth? Most U.S. stores and restaurants will be operating on Juneteenth, although it may be best to check ahead about whether their hours may be shortened or altered due to the holiday. One retailer that said it is closing for Juneteenth is Patagonia, which said in an Instagram post that all its U.S. locations will be closed on June 19th to celebrate the holiday. Are banks open on Juneteenth? Many banks will be closed on June 19th, following the Federal Reserve's holiday schedule. Among those that have announced closures on Juneteenth are Bank of America, Wells Fargo and J.P. Morgan Chase. Is the U.S. Post office open on Juneteenth? The U.S. Postal Service's retail locations are closed on June 19th, and there won't be mail delivery other than holiday premium Priority Mail Express, according to the postal agency. Is the stock market open on Juneteenth? No, U.S. markets are closed on June 19th, according to the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq.
Stop asking 'What is company culture like?' in job interviews—3 better alternatives 2024-06-19 14:56:00+00:00 - Brianna Doe has a lot of experience on both sides of the hiring game. She's worked in marketing for roughly a decade, started leading hiring interviews seven years ago, and now, as founder of her own agency, Verbatim, will soon be hiring her own full-time staff for the first time. All of that is to say she knows that not all job-interview questions are good ones. "When I was the one job-seeking, I didn't always ask the right questions for myself or for the employer to get to know me and what I'm looking for," Doe tells CNBC Make It. One that stands out and that she hears time and again: "What is the company culture like?" It's an important assessment to make — company culture is a top priority for many workers — and "sometimes you will get a good answer," Doe says. But oftentimes, she continues, "What I found was that it was just too vague or generic. And so when I would ask that question, I would get the cookie-cutter answers of, 'We have a great culture' or 'We really focus on collaboration.'" Letting generic answers slide isn't always a good idea. "I had to learn that the hard way," Doe says. She recalls once accepting an offer from a company that didn't elaborate on its culture. After joining, she wished she was better prepared for the workplace she was walking into. Brianna Doe Photo: Jessica Juniper Thinking back on that experience, she realized she needed to reflect a bit more: "What is important to me in company culture? What does that mean to me? And what questions can I ask that will specifically get me those answers?" Here, Doe shares three alternative questions to ask in a job interview to get a better idea of a company's culture: What are the common themes that you find among your highest performers? This is Doe's No. 1 question to ask in job interviews and "kills two birds with one stone," she says. By asking this question, you'll get a sense from the interviewer about what it takes to thrive at the company. Plus, Doe says, "I'm also getting an idea of what's important to the person I'm speaking to, whether it's the hiring manager or a member of the team, like a future co-worker." You'll want to assess whether their descriptions of high performance match your own, Doe says. For example, some people will say the highest performers "work as many hours as they need to" or "put their job above everything else," she says. But, a more resonant description might be that "the highest performers are the ones who really pursue professional growth and who step in regardless of their job title," she adds. What would the first 30 days look like for the person in this role? Doe says she also learned the importance of asking this specific question through a bad experience. She spent the early part of her career working for "lean start-ups" that didn't have much of an onboarding process or onramp experience to help her get settled into her new roles. "You were kind of expected to just jump in and start driving results," Doe says. That means she didn't get basic information about the company or how her job contributed to its main priorities. Asking this question can help you understand what you're walking into, how much support you'll get learning the ropes of your role and the business, and the expectations of your hiring manager and team, Doe says. What are some ways that success will be measured in the first 90 days? In the first year?
Are Planes Safe Right Now? Here’s What the Experts Say. 2024-06-19 14:18:09+00:00 - Smoke in the cabin. A tire blowout. A cracked windshield. No shortage of problems can affect a flight, fueling traveler anxiety and contributing to thousands of daily delays and cancellations around the world. But for all of the frustration and alarm such events cause, it can be difficult to interpret and understand their severity. Here’s how aviation safety experts say travelers should think about disruptions when they occur. Problems happen. Several alarming air travel incidents have made headlines in recent weeks — a sharp plunge toward an ocean, an unnerving wobble that damaged the tail of a plane and an aborted departure after an apparent engine fire. But the most common mishaps and malfunctions, even if hair-raising, are not typically severe, experts said.
3 ways successful people navigate changes in life, from Melinda French Gates: Learn 'the value of embracing uncertainty' 2024-06-19 14:11:00+00:00 - The only constant in life is change — even for a billionaire like Melinda French Gates. "I think a lot lately about transitions," French Gates, 59, said during a commencement speech at Stanford University on Sunday. "You don't get to be my age without navigating all kinds of transitions. Some you embraced and some you never expected. Some you hoped for, and some you fought as hard as you could." Some of those changes were beginnings, she said: starting her career at Microsoft, falling in love, having children, building a portfolio as a philanthropist. Others were more jarring, like losing one of her best friends to cancer, ending her marriage or stepping down from her role as co-chair for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which she ran for years with her ex-husband Bill Gates. For anyone who's currently facing changes in their life and career — or wanting to get ahead of future curveballs — French Gates shared three "lessons" about how highly successful people navigate uncertainty. Practice 'radical open-heartedness' Embrace moments of change — whether they're exciting, frustrating or tragic — with an open heart, French Gates advised. "During a transition, we step out of our familiar surroundings into a big, wide open space where everything is new," French Gates said. "There are two ways to encounter these spaces. You can keep your head down and focus on finding the shortest distance possible from one familiar thing to the next. Or, you can find the courage to linger in that liminal space and see what it has to tell you." Many people prefer to keep their head down and power through the uncertainty, French Gates noted — including herself, when she was younger. "I had a list of goals I wanted to accomplish, and as soon as I checked one off the list, I raced across the clearing to the last one. It was a lot easier that way," she said. "But as I got older, I learned the value of embracing uncertainty." If you struggle with adapting to change, try reframing your thinking, clinical psychologist Kevin Antshel told CNBC Make It in 2020: Instead of saying, "Starting this new job is so scary," tell yourself, "I can't wait to learn and grow in this new role." "That, to me, is practicing open-heartedness," French Gates said. Find your 'small wave' French Gates recounted a short story from spirituality author Ram Dass: There were once two waves in the ocean, one big and one small. Noticing the other waves crashing on the shore, the big wave got worried, warning the smaller one that the end was near. The small wave reassured the big one, saying, "You're not [done for]... You aren't a wave. You are water." The story resonated with French Gates: Frequently, she didn't know how she'd overcome her battles, but she had a loved one beside her to encourage her. "In the early days of my career, that person was a colleague named Charlotte. From the moment I got to Microsoft, I absolutely loved the work we were doing, but as time went on, I realized I didn't love the culture," she said. "It was brash and aggressive, and that wasn't me." "Eventually, I reached a point when I thought maybe I could leave the company. And like the big wave, I thought things were coming to an end for me," French Gates continued. "But Charlotte helped me see things differently. She was a little older and had a little bit more experience, and she'd already figured out how to navigate the culture there without losing her own identity." Gates' advice to young professionals: Cultivate your relationships. Find someone trustworthy and knowledgeable to be your "small wave," and do your part in encouraging others. 'Build a web of deserved trust'
E.U. Warns France Over ‘Excessive’ Deficit, Adding to Political Risks 2024-06-19 14:04:09+00:00 - Add an entry to the list of troubles facing President Emmanuel Macron of France less than two weeks before pivotal legislative elections: potential financial penalties by the European Union for failure to rein in the nation’s ballooning deficit and debt. The reprimand, announced Wednesday in Brussels, highlighted France’s fragile finances at a moment of political turmoil, as the far right National Rally party, led by Marine Le Pen, and a left-wing coalition, the New Popular Front, appear increasingly positioned to form a new government that could weaken Mr. Macron’s grip on power. Mr. Macron threw French politics into disarray earlier this month by calling for snap parliamentary elections after his party was battered by the far right in European Parliament elections. The fiscal warning by E.U. authorities set the stage for a possible confrontation between Brussels and Paris. Both the National Rally and the New Popular Front have pledged to spend more on public services at a time when Mr. Macron is being forced to find deep budgetary cuts of up to 25 billion euros ($26.9 billion) this year to improve the nation’s finances. The opposition parties, however, are critical of E.U. institutions, and want to ease rather than tighten fiscal policy.
Advertising is now a 'meritocracy' in the wake of social media, Resy co-founder Gary Vaynerchuk says 2024-06-19 13:56:00+00:00 - Social media algorithms have led to a more meritocratic advertising landscape that the industry has been slow to catch up with, according to VaynerMedia CEO Gary Vaynerchuk. "The social media I grew up with... it was more like email marketing," the agency executive told CNBC's Tania Bryer at the Cannes Lions festival, a major fixture in the advertising world's calendar. Vaynerchuk co-founded restaurant booking platform Resy and was an early investor in the X social media platform, formerly known as Twitter. "Every brand that's here, you would try to amass as many followers as you could, and then you would post, and a percentage of them would see it," he said. "Now we live in a world of social media over the last two, three years, five years, where the AI algorithms that give you the For You page, the content is finding the audience." "For You" is a feature of Chinese-owned social media app TikTok which serves a scrollable stream of videos based on trending content and on users' past usage of the app.
The man who built Docklands: from poverty in Romania to Canary Wharf’s skyscrapers 2024-06-19 13:25:00+00:00 - One of the main players behind the transformation of London Docklands into a powerful financial centre is stepping back after nearly four decades. George Iacobescu is retiring as the chair of Canary Wharf Group next month, to be replaced by the former L&G chief executive Nigel Wilson. The move comes as a number of high-profile tenants plan to leave the area, but Iacobescu said it was still “a thriving community in the heart of the old East End”. He added: “With the continuing growth of the tech sector, health and life sciences, new leisure activities and the greening of the Wharf, there are exciting times ahead for the estate.” Born in Romania in 1945, Iacobescu grew up, like many Romanians at the time, with very little money under the ruling communist government. He once said his mother-in-law had to bring her own lightbulb to a medical operation. This was the only bulb in her home, and meant her flat was left in the dark for the day. He initially wanted to be a doctor like his father but was pushed to take up engineering after the latter told him to get into construction because “the world will never stop building”. Taking his father’s words to heart, he studied civil engineering in Bucharest. After working as a structural engineer in Romania between 1969 and 1975, he was able to leave the country for Canada after getting help from a relative in North America. While in Canada, he got a job with the developer Olympia & York (O&Y) and was heavily involved in building Chicago’s Olympia Centre skyscraper and the vast World Financial Centre in New York. His relationship with what would become London’s new financial district began in 1987, when he was sent to London from Toronto by the O&Y founder Paul Reichmann to investigate whether it was feasible to build on the abandoned docklands site. The site had been designated an enterprise zone by Margaret Thatcher, with her government offering generous tax breaks to investors and promising to extend London Underground lines to the site. On visiting the site that had been derelict for years, he got lost for more than two hours, and concluded when he got back to Canada that O&Y “shouldn’t touch the site”. Reichmann ignored him, pushed ahead with the project, and Iacobescu was made its construction director. After four years, his initial misgivings were nearly proved right. Delays to the promised Jubilee line and Docklands Light Railway left Canary Wharf without important transport links, which stymied investment. After a property crash in 1992, banks refused O&Y credit and it had to file for bankruptcy, placing Canary Wharf into administration. Reichmann was able to persuade investors to support him to buy back Canary Wharf in 1995 for £800m. By 1997, Iacobescu had become the chief executive, a role he would hold until 2021, while also taking on the chair role in 2011. During that time, Canary Wharf has grown to become one of the largest urban regeneration projects in Europe, now containing 6,000,000 sq ft (1,500,000m2) of office and retail space, and the main workplace for 120,000 workers before the Covid pandemic. His services were rewarded with a knighthood in 2012, becoming the only Romanian-born British citizen to receive the honour. However, his tenure has not been without its challenges. He was at the helm when Canary Wharf Group floated in 1999 and was also in charge in 2004, when an 11-month bidding war led to Morgan Stanley taking control of it from the the investment fund Brascan, which had the backing of Reichmann. He also led Canary Wharf Group when it was bought by Qatar’s Sovereign Wealth fund and Canadian Brookfield Properties for £2.6bn in 2015. The deal would take it private again. His biggest hurdle in recent times has been the pandemic and the increase in working from home, which has hit the office market. This has prompted announcements by the likes of HSBC, which had occupied its own tower since 2002, and Clifford Chance that they would leave the area.
Telegraph falls to loss of £240m as a result of loans to Barclay family ‘unlikely to be repaid’ 2024-06-19 13:05:00+00:00 - The media group which owns the Daily Telegraph newspaper tumbled into the red last year after it set aside nearly £280m to cover loans made to the Barclay family which may not be repaid. The group said that, despite a resilient financial performance, it had made losses of £244.6m in 2023 – against profits of £33.3m in the previous year – due to the provision. Telegraph Media Group accounts show that a £277.6m provision has been taken against amounts due from parent company undertakings “with the ongoing corporate transaction casting doubt over the recoverability of this balance”. The Telegraph on its own website reported that the provision had come as a result of “loans extracted by the Barclay family which are unlikely ever to be repaid”. The future ownership of the Telegraph titles and the Spectator magazine has been uncertain since June 2023, when the titles were seized by Lloyds bank after the Barclay family failed to repay £1.16bn in debts. The debts were later repaid by a UAE-backed consortium which had hoped to buy the group but were forced to walk away under political pressure. On Wednesday, the media company said in its 2023 accounts that a detailed review of historical transactions had been undertaken in relation to amounts paid to and received from group companies and related parties. It said this review had “identified potential irregularities in the recording of such transactions” and said that, although there had been no changes to assets and liabilities, there was “a potential risk of future possible repayment claims against the company and group in respect of such transactions”. The Telegraph’s 2023 losses came as the group reported it had surpassed 1m subscriptions in August 2023, with subscriptions across Telegraph Media Group increasing from 734,000 in December 2022 to 1.03m in December 2023. The largest contributor to the subscription boost came from the £13m acquisition last year of Chelsea Magazine Company, a publisher of consumer titles including Classic Boat. Turnover increased to £268m in 2023 against £254.2m in 2022, largely due to the growth in digital advertising and partnerships as well as digital subscriptions, it said. Anna Jones, chief executive of Telegraph Media Group, said that 2023 had “reinforced the strength and resilience of Telegraph Media Group as a business”, adding: “The substantial growth in our operating profit pre-exceptional items last year was driven by significant advances in both digital advertising and digital subscription revenue.” The Barclay family, which bought the Daily Telegraph in 2004, said: “The Barclay family is proud of its track record of investment in Telegraph Media Group, which under its ownership has been transformed into a successful digital and print media brand, with over 1 million subscribers. skip past newsletter promotion Sign up to Business Today Free daily newsletter Get set for the working day – we'll point you to all the business news and analysis you need every morning Enter your email address Sign up Privacy Notice: Newsletters may contain info about charities, online ads, and content funded by outside parties. For more information see our Newsletters may contain info about charities, online ads, and content funded by outside parties. For more information see our Privacy Policy . We use Google reCaptcha to protect our website and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. after newsletter promotion “Throughout the family’s ownership the business has been managed responsibly and within all legal frameworks, with all accounts approved by auditors.” The newspaper group is up for sale after the UAE-backed consortium walked away from its £600m planned deal to buy the group in May, saying that new legislation which blocked foreign-government-backed entities from owning British media groups meant the planned transaction was “no longer feasible.” The decision in May by RedBird IMI, a partnership backed by Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed al-Nahyan, the UAE’s vice-president, and the US investment firm RedBird Capital Partners, fired the starting gun on an auction process for the newspaper group which is widely seen as the in-house journal for the Conservative party. Bidders in the auction, which is being run by the banks Raine Group and Robey Warshaw, are expected to include DMGT, which owns the Daily Mail, and Paul Marshall, the hedge fund founder and backer of GB News. News UK, owned by Rupert Murdoch, has shown interest in the Spectator magazine.
Outlook Therapeutics: Analysts Forecast Over 500% Stock Upside 2024-06-19 11:38:00+00:00 - Outlook Therapeutics NASDAQ: OTLK has gained attention, with analysts forecasting an upside of over 500% based on the consensus price target. Outlook Therapeutics Today OTLK Outlook Therapeutics $7.07 -0.49 (-6.48%) 52-Week Range $4.00 ▼ $37.00 Price Target $46.43 Add to Watchlist It's essential to remember that low-float biopharmaceutical companies often experience volatility due to frequent breaking news and technical factors such as float size and short interest. While the bullish price target is noteworthy, it's crucial to delve deeper into the company's fundamentals and recent developments to understand what analysts might be seeing or missing. Get Outlook Therapeutics alerts: Sign Up Inside Outlook Therapeutics: Innovating Ophthalmic Solutions Outlook Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that develops and commercializes monoclonal antibodies for various ophthalmic indications. Its lead product candidate, ONS-5010, is an ophthalmic formulation of bevacizumab currently in Phase III clinical trials for treating wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and other retinal diseases. The company has collaboration and license agreements with BioLexis Pte. Ltd. and Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. A significant recent development came on May 28 when Outlook Therapeutics announced it had received European Commission Marketing Authorization for LYTENAVA™ (bevacizumab gamma) for treating wet AMD. This authorization applies automatically to all 27 EU Member States and, within 30 days, to Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein. The company plans to launch LYTENAVA™ in the EU in Q1 2025, supported by a strategic partnership with Cencora (formerly AmerisourceBergen). Outlook Therapeutics' Stock Performance: A Year in Review Despite the positive developments, Outlook Therapeutics has significantly underperformed over the past year. Shares are down almost 80% over the year and 6% YTD, currently trading 80% below their 52-week high. This decline was exacerbated by news on August 30 last year, when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) declined to approve its experimental eye disease drug due to manufacturing issues observed during pre-approval inspections. Outlook Therapeutics, Inc. (OTLK) Price Chart for Wednesday, June, 19, 2024 Analysts Forecast Significant Upside for Outlook Therapeutics Analysts have shown bullish sentiment towards Outlook Therapeutics, which is compelling given the stock's recent struggles. Based on eight analyst ratings, the stock has a moderate buy rating, with seven analysts rating it as a buy and one as a hold. The consensus price target of $46.43 suggests a potential upside of 525%. Recent bullish actions by analysts include HC Wainwright reiterating its Buy rating with a $30 price target, forecasting an almost 300% upside. BTIG Research upgraded the stock from Neutral to Buy in March, with a $50 price target, predicting a nearly 500% upside. Missed Earnings Estimates Add to Outlook Therapeutics' Challenges Outlook Therapeutics MarketRank™ Stock Analysis Overall MarketRank™ 1.39 out of 5 Analyst Rating Moderate Buy Upside/Downside 556.6% Upside Short Interest Bearish Dividend Strength N/A Sustainability N/A News Sentiment 0.51 Insider Trading Acquiring Shares Projected Earnings Growth Growing See Full Details Despite the bullish analyst ratings, the stock has notable bearish sentiment. Outlook Therapeutics has an above-average short interest of 10%, an increase of almost 25% over the previous month. Net institutional activity has also been negative, with total inflows of $13.4 million compared to outflows of $79 million over the past twelve months. Adding to the bearish outlook, the company's recent earnings report missed consensus estimates. On May 15, 2024, Outlook Therapeutics reported an EPS of ($1.55) for the quarter, missing analysts' consensus estimates of ($0.88) by $0.67. The company has generated ($11.41) earnings per share over the last year. Considerations for Investors: Outlook Therapeutics' Risks and Rewards While the analysts' forecasts for Outlook Therapeutics suggest significant upside potential, the stock's recent performance and bearish sentiment highlight the risks involved. Investors should consider both the promising developments and the challenges faced by the company. Looking beyond the bullish price targets and understanding the broader context is crucial before making investment decisions in this volatile biopharmaceutical stock. Before you consider Outlook Therapeutics, you'll want to hear this. MarketBeat keeps track of Wall Street's top-rated and best performing research analysts and the stocks they recommend to their clients on a daily basis. MarketBeat has identified the five stocks that top analysts are quietly whispering to their clients to buy now before the broader market catches on... and Outlook Therapeutics wasn't on the list. While Outlook Therapeutics currently has a "Moderate Buy" rating among analysts, top-rated analysts believe these five stocks are better buys. View The Five Stocks Here
Campbell Soup Co. Targets Fiscal Q4 Stock Recovery 2024-06-19 11:35:00+00:00 - Campbell Soup Today CPB Campbell Soup $44.96 +0.05 (+0.11%) 52-Week Range $37.94 ▼ $46.97 Dividend Yield 3.29% P/E Ratio 18.20 Price Target $46.31 Add to Watchlist Global food and beverage company Campbell Soup Co. NYSE: CPB reported solid earnings accompanied by raised guidance, but the market continued to sell off shares. However, clues were sprinkled throughout its earnings presentation that indicate a return of growth acceleration is coming in the second half of the calendar year. Prudent investors taking note of these developments may consider adding shares to their portfolio before full transparency materializes. Campbell Soup operates in the consumer staples sector, competing with other food and beverage producers like General Mills Inc. NYSE: GIS, Hormel Foods Co. NYSE: HRL, and WK Kellogg Co. NYSE: KLG. Get Campbell Soup alerts: Sign Up Campbell Soup’s Portfolio Goes Beyond Soup With a name like Campbell Soup Co., it would be easy to mistake the company for solely a soup maker. Campbell is an iconic name and brand, but it has diversified its portfolio of brands way beyond soup into two divisions: Meals & Beverages and Snacks. The Meals & Beverages division manages popular brands like Prego, Swanson frozen entrees, V8, Pace salsas, Campbell’s soups and sauces, Pacific Foods, and SpaghettiOs. The Snacks division manages popular brands like Goldfish, Lance, Synder’s of Hanover, Pepperidge Farm, Late July, and CAPE COD and KETTLE potato chips. Expansion of Campbell's Portfolio through Sovos Brands Acquisition Campbell has continued to expand its portfolio by completing its acquisition of Sovos Brands. They make Rao’s pasta sauces, Michael Angelo’s frozen entrees, and Noosa yogurt products. Campbell added a new unit called Distinctive Brands under its Meals & Beverages division to manage the Sovos products. The company has noted it may actually consider selling Noosa since it's not part of its core food categories. CPB Stock is Attempting to Break Out of a Bearish Descending Triangle The daily candlestick chart for CPB displays a potential descending triangle breakout pattern. The descending trendline formed at the $46.97 top on May 16, 2024, capping bounce attempts at a lower high until meeting the flat-bottom lower trendline support at $42.23. The Q3 2024 earnings release could muster the strength even to test the descending trendline as shares had to coil back up off the lower trendline. CPB is attempting to break out above the descending trendline at $43.53. The daily relative strength index (RSI) is rising to the 48-band. Pullback support levels are at $41.67, $40.77, $39.65, and $37.94. Campbell's Solid Earnings Results for Fiscal Third Quarter 2024 On June 5, 2024, Campbell Soup Co. reported fiscal Q3 2024 EPS of 75 cents versus 70 cents consensus estimates, indicating a 5-cent beat. Adjusted EPS rose by 10% YoY. Revenues rose 6.3% YoY to $2.37 billion, beating $2.34 billion consensus analyst estimates. Adjusted gross margins rose 30 bps YoY, supported by cost savings initiatives, supply chain productivity enhancements, and a favorable mix. Positive Impact of Sovos Brands on Campbell's Fiscal Q3 2024 Results Sequential net sales growth and volume and mix improvements helped to drive double-digit growth in adjusted earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) and adjusted earnings per share (EPS). Organic net sales stabilized while volumes improved sequentially. Campbell indicated that its Meals & Beverages division showed stable performance while Snacks had some pressure, reflecting the pace of the consumer recovery. The Snacks division is on track to meet the fiscal 2024 operating margin target of 15%, driven by improving consumer demand over the next several quarters. The addition of Sovos Brands has progressed well, adding noticeable growth to the headline results for fiscal Q3 2024. Consumers are Focused on Stretching Meals, Playing Right into Campbell’s Wheelhouse Campbell believes the consumer's focus on stretching meals is benefiting its soups portfolio, fueling sustained demand in its Meals & Beverages division. Inflation pressures keep uncertainty elevated as higher prices can cause consumers to trade down Campbell's premium brands for private-label substitutes. However, Campbell's portfolio, especially with the addition of Sovos brands, is holding up well enough to raise its guidance. The Sovos Brands Acquisition Drives Campbell's Raised Guidance Campbell Soup provided upside guidance for the fiscal full-year 2024 EPS of $3.07 to $3.10 versus $3.04 consensus analyst estimates. It sees fiscal full-year 2024 revenues growing 3% to 4% to $9.64 billion to $9.73 billion versus $9.6 billion consensus analyst estimates. The growing success of Sovos brand products definitely helped raise the guidance. Organic sales growth is tracking between 0% and 1%, matching the pace of the consumer recovery. Campbell Soup MarketRank™ Stock Analysis Overall MarketRank™ 3.79 out of 5 Analyst Rating Reduce Upside/Downside 3.0% Upside Short Interest Bearish Dividend Strength Moderate Sustainability -2.73 News Sentiment 0.60 Insider Trading Selling Shares Projected Earnings Growth 5.19% See Full Details Dilution from the acquisition of Sovos Brands is expected to impact EPS by 1 to 2 cents. Campbell Soup Co. expects to build momentum in the fiscal Q4 2024 (next quarter) with continued stabilization of its YoY volume growth and double-digit growth for Q4 adjusted EBIT and adjusted EPS. Campbell Soup CEO Mark Clouse commented, ”It is exciting to see the positive impact on the business from adding Sovos Brands. In Q3, on a pro forma basis, we see a 200 basis point improvement in top-line volume and mix growth. Looking at the now combined Campbell's, we would rank among the fastest volume-driven growth companies in the food sector over recent periods. As integration progresses, we expect to realize further top-line and bottom-line benefits.“ Campbell Soup analyst ratings and price targets are at MarketBeat. Consensus price targets indicate 5.28% upside to $46.31. Before you consider Campbell Soup, you'll want to hear this. MarketBeat keeps track of Wall Street's top-rated and best performing research analysts and the stocks they recommend to their clients on a daily basis. MarketBeat has identified the five stocks that top analysts are quietly whispering to their clients to buy now before the broader market catches on... and Campbell Soup wasn't on the list. While Campbell Soup currently has a "Reduce" rating among analysts, top-rated analysts believe these five stocks are better buys. View The Five Stocks Here
Zebra Analysts Upgrade Stock, Forecasting Major Reversal 2024-06-19 11:25:00+00:00 - Zebra Technologies Today ZBRA Zebra Technologies $295.25 -7.15 (-2.36%) 52-Week Range $194.59 ▼ $328.70 P/E Ratio 58.58 Price Target $323.36 Add to Watchlist Zebra Technologies NASDAQ: ZBRA stock hit bottom in 2023, but it took until this year for the reversal to be completed. Now, the stock is up 50% from the recent low and heading higher under the influence of analysts. Analysts' sentiments also bottomed during the last twelve months, and a reversal in sentiment is in play. The trends in 2024 include upgrades and upward price target revisions that have sentiment back to Moderate Buy from Hold and the price target up 20% in the last three months. Assuming the market follows through on these signals, ZBRA stock could gain at least 5% to 7% soon and open the door to another 50% increase over the next twelve to eighteen months. Get Zebra Technologies alerts: Sign Up The Sell-Side Supports Zebra’s Stock Price Reversal Among the latest analysts' coverage is an upgrade from BNP Paribas. BNP analysts raised the sentiment rating to Hold from Neutral and set a $305 price target. Their price target assumes fair value near current trading levels but is 7% below the consensus, and most of the recent targets have led the market to the high end of the target range. Recent coverage also includes being added to Goldman Sachs’ High Operating Leverage stocks list. High operating leverage stocks can boost sales at lower costs, widening profit margins and producing industry and/or market-leading performance. Institutional support is also helping to usher Zebra stock into a complete reversal. The institutional activity has been mixed over the last year to 18 months but has been net bullish for three consecutive quarters, three of the last four quarters, and four of the last six. Ownership is broad, with many shares held by funds, including midcap, value, and midcap value-focused strategies. Total ownership has doubled in the last three years, showing a high level of conviction. Institutional activity also coincides with the market bottom. Investors may expect to see some rotation and profit-taking with shares moving higher, but this trend remains intact, helping support upward movement in the share price this year. Zebra Reaches Inflection Point; Growth To Resume This Year Zebra Technologies struggled in Q1 with weakness in the end markets, leading to a year-over-year contraction. However, the quarter was better than feared, leading management to increase guidance. Salient details are improving margins, and growth is expected to resume in the back half. Based on the current outlook, management expects mid-single to low-double-digit quarterly advances; analysts are raising their estimates and forecast growth to persist at this rate in F2025. Zebra Technologies MarketRank™ Stock Analysis Overall MarketRank™ 4.20 out of 5 Analyst Rating Moderate Buy Upside/Downside 9.5% Upside Short Interest Healthy Dividend Strength N/A Sustainability -1.88 News Sentiment 1.20 Insider Trading Selling Shares Projected Earnings Growth 22.96% See Full Details Drivers of business include the company’s leading position in data capture (think all those remote ID, bar code, and CC scanning devices you see everywhere) and the upcoming AI-inspired upgrade cycle. Zebra is building shareholder value through its lean into efficiency and growth investments. The company doesn’t pay dividends or repurchase shares aggressively but has improved the balance sheet and shareholder equity over the past twelve months. Cash is down compared to last year but offset by flat current and total assets, debt reduction, liability reduction, and increased equity. The debt leverage is now less than 0.7x equity and 0.3x assets, leaving the business in a lean, nimble position to invest as needed. Zebra Technologies Technical Outlook is Bullish The technical outlook for ZBRA is bullish, but there is a hurdle. The market is set up to complete a reversal pattern but faces resistance at the baseline. As it is, the market has pulled back to form another shoulder, and support may be confirmed soon. In this scenario, shares of ZBRA should retest the highs near $335 and $350 shortly after and could break to a new high by the end of the year. If not, this technology stock will remain range-bound until more data is available later in the year. The question is whether the economy can continue on its current course through year-end without an FOMC interest rate hike. Before you consider Zebra Technologies, you'll want to hear this. MarketBeat keeps track of Wall Street's top-rated and best performing research analysts and the stocks they recommend to their clients on a daily basis. MarketBeat has identified the five stocks that top analysts are quietly whispering to their clients to buy now before the broader market catches on... and Zebra Technologies wasn't on the list. While Zebra Technologies currently has a "Moderate Buy" rating among analysts, top-rated analysts believe these five stocks are better buys. View The Five Stocks Here