GPT Analysis

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Symbol Company Name Rating Recommendation Evaluation from GPT Action Time
2353 日本駐車場開発 0 Negative Based on the provided financial indicators, the stock with symbol 2353.T belongs to the equity category and is traded on the JPX exchange. The stock's current price stands at 209.0 JPY, with a day high of 211.0 JPY and a day low of 209.0 JPY. The market capitalization of the company is 66,451,553,344.0 JPY, and it has a total of 317,950,016 shares. The previous close of the stock was 211.0 JPY. The fifty-day average price is 218.82 JPY, and the two-hundred-day average price is 210.15 JPY. Over the past year, the stock has shown a positive performance with a year change of 11.17%. The year high and year low prices are 243.0 JPY and 170.0 JPY, respectively. The stock's ten-day average volume is 1,252,560, and the three-month average volume is 1,070,741. Based on the provided information, further analysis is required to provide a rating and sentiment for this stock.

2025-01-10 17:40:37
7859 アルメディオ 30 Negative Based on the analysis of key financial indicators for 7859.T, there are several observations to consider. Firstly, the stock's lastPrice is currently at 278.0 JPY, which is lower than the fiftyDayAverage of 325.68 JPY and the twoHundredDayAverage of 491.995 JPY. This indicates that the stock has been experiencing a downward trend. The stock's yearHigh of 1473.0 JPY further emphasizes the significant decline it has faced.

Additionally, the yearChange is -0.6511919698870765, indicating a negative performance over the past year. The marketCap of 5753182200.0 JPY is relatively low compared to other companies in the market, which may indicate a smaller scale of operations. The stock's liquidity is also a concern, as the lastVolume of 329100 is relatively low compared to the tenDayAverageVolume and threeMonthAverageVolume.

Based on these factors, the sentiment for investing in 7859.T is negative and the rating for this stock is 30 out of 100.

2025-01-10 21:06:11
5704 JMC 30 Negative 5704.T is the equity of a company listed on the JPX exchange. The stock has a market capitalization of JPY 2,446,249,000. With a year change of -0.61, the stock has experienced a decline in value over the past year. The stock has a year high of JPY 1,351 and a year low of JPY 415, indicating significant volatility. The price of the stock is currently trading at JPY 442, which is below both the fifty-day average of JPY 468.08 and the two hundred-day average of JPY 584.42. Although the stock has seen higher volumes in the past, the ten-day average volume is relatively low at 33,210. Overall, considering the negative year change, high volatility, and poor recent performance, it is not recommended to invest in 5704.T.

2025-01-10 21:06:18
6338 タカトリ 30 Negative Based on the financial indicators provided, the stock (6338.T) appears to be facing some challenges. The year change is negative, indicating a decline in value over the past year. The stock's two hundred day average is significantly higher than the last price, suggesting a potential downward trend. Additionally, the year high of 5420.0 is far above the current price of 1700.0, indicating a substantial drop. The market cap of 9,282,204,000.0 suggests that this is a relatively small company. Furthermore, the fifty-day average is below the last price, indicating recent downward movement. Considering these factors, it is advisable to remain cautious when considering an investment in this stock.

2025-01-10 21:06:19
6054 リブセンス 30 Negative Based on the key financial indicators for 6054.T, it is evident that the stock has experienced a significant decline in its year-on-year performance, with a year change of -44.76%. The stock is currently trading near its year low, which indicates a lack of positive market sentiment towards the company. The stock's market capitalization is relatively low, suggesting that it may be a smaller company with potential growth opportunities, but also higher risks. The stock's fifty-day average and two-hundred-day average are significantly higher than the current price, indicating a downward trend in the stock. Considering these factors, along with the lack of positive market sentiment, it is not advisable to invest in 6054.T at this time.

2025-01-10 21:06:21
6337 テセック 30 Negative Based on the provided financial indicators, it can be observed that the stock price of 6337.T has been decreasing over the past year with a year change of -37.06%. The stock has also been trading below its two hundred day average indicating a negative trend. The market capitalization of the company is relatively small at JPY 8,541,677,700. The volume of shares traded is relatively low, with an average of 18,168 over the three-month period. The stock has faced strong resistance at the year high of 2,660.0 and has not been able to recover since then. Considering these factors, the sentiment towards investing in 6337.T is negative.

2025-01-10 21:06:28
6882 三社電機製作所 30 Negative Based on the financial indicators provided, it is evident that the stock with the symbol 6882.T belongs to the company Sanwa Denshi Kogyo Co., Ltd. The stock has a market capitalization of JPY 11,398,100,000, which indicates that it is a relatively small-cap company. The stock's year change is -0.33, suggesting that it has experienced a decline in value over the past year. The year high and year low prices are 1,939 and 838 respectively. The current stock price is 857, which is closer to its year low. The stock has a two hundred-day average of 1102.285 and a fifty-day average of 898.9, indicating a downtrend in the stock. With a negative year change and a declining trend, it is not recommended to invest in this stock at the moment.

2025-01-10 21:06:29
4712 KeyHolder 30 Negative Based on the financial indicators provided, the stock 4712.T appears to be in a bearish trend. The year change is negative (-10.54%) and the stock is currently trading below both the fifty-day average (727.38) and the two-hundred-day average (811.695). This indicates a potential downward momentum in the stock price. The average trading volume over the past ten days (44,660) is significantly higher than the previous three-month average volume (25,053), suggesting increased selling pressure in the short term. The market cap is relatively small compared to other listed companies. It is recommended to avoid investing in this stock at the moment.

2025-01-10 21:06:32
5351 品川リフラクトリーズ 30 Negative Based on the provided financial indicators for 5351.T, the stock is currently trading at a last price of JPY 1700.0 with a market capitalization of JPY 77,525,610,000. The stock's year change is -7.51%, indicating a negative performance over the past year. The year high of the stock was recorded at JPY 2167.0, while the year low was JPY 1396.0. The fifty-day average price is JPY 1695.04, which is slightly below the last price. The two-hundred-day average price is JPY 1804.415, indicating a downward trend over a longer period. The stock has a regular market previous close of JPY 1717.0. The stock's trading volume has been relatively stable with a three-month average volume of 71,231 and a ten-day average volume of 74,660. Based on this analysis, the rating for this stock would be relatively low, around 30, due to the negative year change and downward trend in the long-term average price. The sentiment for this stock would be negative as investing may not be advisable considering the performance and market trends.

2025-01-10 21:06:48
6899 ASTI 35 Negative Based on the key financial indicators for 6899.T, it is evident that the stock is currently facing some challenges. The stock's year change is negative, indicating a decline in performance over the past year. Additionally, the stock is currently trading below its two hundred day average, indicating a bearish trend. The stock's market cap is not remarkable, and its trading volume has been relatively low recently. Furthermore, the stock's year high is significantly higher than its current price, suggesting a potential depreciation in value. Overall, considering these indicators, it is not advisable to invest in this stock at the given moment.

2025-01-10 21:06:14
6327 北川精機 35 Negative Based on the financial indicators provided, the stock for 北川精機 (6327.T) appears to be in a declining trend. The stock's year change is negative, indicating a decrease in value over the past year. The stock is currently trading below the fifty-day, two hundred-day, and three-month average prices, suggesting a potential downward momentum. The market cap is relatively small, which may indicate a smaller company with higher volatility. Furthermore, the trading volume has been relatively low, indicating limited investor interest. Overall, the stock does not show strong positive indicators for investment potential.

2025-01-10 21:06:15
6918 アバールデータ 35 Negative Based on a thorough analysis of the key financial indicators for 6918.T, the stock does not appear to be a strong investment opportunity at the moment. The stock's performance has been declining, as indicated by the negative year change of -61.43%. The stock's current price is close to its year low, which implies a lack of positive momentum. Additionally, the two-hundred-day average is significantly higher than the current price, suggesting a downward trend. Furthermore, the stock's ten-day average volume and three-month average volume are relatively low, indicating lower investor interest. Overall, based on these indicators, it is recommended to avoid investing in this stock.

2025-01-10 21:06:18
3436 SUMCO 35 Negative Based on the key financial indicators provided, we can observe that the stock's year change is negative (-49.43%), indicating a decline in value over the past year. The year high of 2,684.0 and year low of 1,113.0 suggest significant volatility in the stock's price. The stock's current value (lastPrice) of 1,154.5 is below both the fifty-day average (1,262.56) and the two-hundred-day average (1,908.84), indicating a downward trend. Considering the low market cap (403,737,886,000.0) and declining performance, the stock does not appear to be performing well. Therefore, the sentiment towards this stock would be negative.

2025-01-10 21:06:39
1716 第一カッター興業 35 Negative Based on the analysis of the key financial indicators, the stock with the symbol 1716.T, which belongs to the company 第一カッター興業, shows a negative sentiment and is currently not recommended for investment. The stock price has been declining over the past year by 0.0224, indicating a negative year change. The current market cap of 15,303,964,000 JPY is relatively low compared to other stocks in the market. The fifty-day average of 1,435.64 JPY is lower than the current last price of 1,352.0 JPY, suggesting a potential downtrend. The two-hundred-day average of 1,499.42 JPY is also higher than the last price. The stock has shown low trading volume with only 6,900 shares traded, and the ten-day average volume is significantly low at 11,470 shares. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid investing in this stock at the moment.

2025-01-10 21:06:46
4251 恵和 35 Negative Based on the financial indicators for 4251.T, the stock currently has a market cap of 18,840,858,800 JPY and a total of 19,284,400 shares outstanding. The year change for the stock is -22.71%, indicating a decline in value over the past year. The stock is currently trading at a price of 977 JPY, which is below the year high of 1,810 JPY. The fifty-day average price is 1,008.56 JPY, and the two-hundred-day average price is 1,229.70 JPY.

The stock has a relatively low trading volume, with a ten-day average volume of 182,390 shares and a three-month average volume of 138,203 shares. The stock's previous close was 986 JPY, and the day's low and high were 972 JPY and 986 JPY respectively.

Overall, the stock has not performed well in the past year and is currently trading below its year high. The low trading volume also indicates a lack of interest from investors. Therefore, the sentiment for this stock is negative, and I would not recommend investing in it at this time.

2025-01-10 21:06:50
9867 ソレキア 35 Negative Based on the analysis of the key financial indicators for 9867.T, the stock appears to have a negative sentiment. The stock's year change is currently negative, indicating a decline in value over the past year. The two hundred-day average is also higher than the current last price, which suggests a downward trend. Additionally, the stock's year high is significantly higher than the current last price, indicating potential resistance. The market cap is relatively small at JPY 4,881,820,350.0, which indicates a smaller company. Overall, the stock does not show strong positive indicators for potential growth or performance.

2025-01-10 21:07:23
1325 NEXT FUNDS ブラジル株式指数・ボベスパ連動型上場投信 40 Negative Based on the given financial indicators for 1325.T, the stock appears to be in a negative trend. The year change is negative at -24.56%, indicating a decline in value over the past year. The stock's current price is below both the fifty-day average and the two-hundred-day average, suggesting a potential downtrend. Additionally, the stock's year high is significantly higher than the current price, indicating a potential lack of positive momentum. The lack of market cap and shares information also raises some concerns. Considering these factors, it does not seem worth investing in 1325.T at the moment.

2025-01-05 11:34:30
7122 近畿車輛 40 Negative Based on the financial indicators of 7122.T, the stock seems to be experiencing a decline in its performance. The year change is negative, indicating a decrease in value over the past year. The stock is currently trading below its two hundred day moving average and its fifty day moving average, suggesting a downtrend in the short term. The stock's year high is significantly higher than its current price, indicating potential losses for investors who bought at higher levels. The trading volume is relatively low, indicating lack of investor interest. Considering these factors, it is not recommended to invest in 7122.T at this time.

2025-01-10 21:06:26
7463 アドヴァングループ 40 Negative The stock with symbol 7463.T is the equity of アドヴァングループ. The stock is traded in JPY currency on the JPX exchange. The last price was 954.0 JPY, with a day high of 965.0 JPY and a day low of 954.0 JPY. The stock has a market capitalization of 33,887,988,000.0 JPY and a total of 35,522,000 shares. The stock's year change stands at -0.104, indicating a negative performance over the past year. The stock has a year high of 1273.0 JPY and a year low of 792.0 JPY. Based on these financial indicators, it doesn't appear to be a strong performing stock in the past year with a negative year change. Therefore, I would rate this stock at 40 out of 100, indicating a below-average investment option. The sentiment towards investing in this stock would be negative.

2025-01-10 21:06:37
7625 グローバルダイニング 40 Negative Global Dining is a Japanese restaurant company listed on the JPX exchange with a market cap of JPY 3,780,176,400. The stock's current price is JPY 364.0, which is lower than the 50-day moving average of JPY 368.72 and the 200-day moving average of JPY 410.155. The stock has seen a year-over-year decline of -29.04%. It has a year high of JPY 570.0 and a year low of JPY 330.0. The stock has a regular market volume of 15,000 shares and a three-month average volume of 18,875 shares. Based on these indicators, it is advisable to have a negative sentiment towards investing in this stock.

2025-01-10 21:06:41