Top 10 U.S. cities for eco-conscious living—they're almost all on the West Coast

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In honor of Earth Month, realtyhop ranked the greenest U.S. cities for homebuyers. The report evaluated each city based on the following criteria: Sustainability Policy and infrastructure Energy Environment Affordability Overall, the study found that the majority of the greenest cities are on the West Coast — five are in California alone. California is one of the states tackling climate change head-on by passing laws that will require companies to publicly report their greenhouse gas emissions and climate-related financial risks. One of the laws California Governor Gavin Newsom signed will require large businesses with more than $1 billion in annual revenue that operate in California to provide detailed disclosure of their greenhouse gas emissions, according to CNBC. Portland, Oregon is the greenest city in America With a total score of 62.34, Portland, Oregon took the No. 1 spot on Realtyhop's list of greenest U.S. cities. It ranked No. 10 for sustainability, No. 14 for policy and infrastructure and took higher spots at No. 4 in the energy category, second place for environment, and No. 4 in affordability. Portland ranked as the greenest city for homebuyers in the U.S., according to realtyhop. Jordan Siemens | Getty Images Portland is actively working on achieving a net-zero carbon emissions goal by 2050 and uses wind and other forms of renewable energy to help keep the city running. Over one-third of Portland's 2,500 miles of sewer pipes are more than 80 years old, so the city uses green infrastructure to protect the aging sewer system, according to Portland's Environmental Services. The city uses green streets, eco-roofs, trees and more to manage the stormwater. Portland also has a relatively affordable housing market compared to other major cities in the area with the average home value at $539,524, up 0.9% over the past year, according to Zillow. Top 10 greenest cities in America Portland, Ore. Washington, D.C. San Francisco, Calif. Seattle, Wash. Oakland, Calif. Spokane, Wash. New York, N.Y. Sacramento, Calif. San Diego, Calif. San Jose, Calif. The second-greenest city on the list is Washington, D.C. The report ranked the nation's capital highest for the environment, in the top three for sustainability, and in the top five for energy, with a total score of 60.25. Washington D.C., ranked as the No. 2 greenest place for U.S. homebuyers, according to realtyhop. Kanzilyou | Istock | Getty Images