How 3 Chilean Brothers Built A Global Cannabis Platform Embraced By Big Sponsors Like Adidas And Crocs - adidas (OTC:ADDYY), Crocs (NASDAQ:CROX)

2024-06-02 19:22:00+00:00 - Scroll down for original article

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Loading... Loading... It was the year 2013 and Santiago, Chile’s capital, was unknowingly about to become the epicenter of a digital phenomenon that would redefine the perception of cannabis in the Spanish-speaking world. Simón, Pascual and Joaquín Espinosa, three brothers with unparalleled vision and connection, breathed life into En Volá, a project that started as an exchange of humor-filled messages and deep reflections under the influence of marijuana. This exchange, initially private, found its way into the public domain thanks to a friend who saw potential in their conversations. "I really like this story," Simón recalls, "it happened in 2013... One day, a good friend accidentally read our conversations and... emphatically told us that we should publish them." The Espinosa Brothers. COURTESY OF EN VOLÁ As En Volá began to take shape, the country's cannabis market was in a promising growth phase. While nascent at the time, it's estimated that cannabis market revenues in Chile reached $175.7 million in 2023, with an expected annual growth rate of 16.76% until 2028. This economic potential reflects not just the growing acceptance and regulation of cannabis in Chile but also in many other countries in Latin America and Spain, where the market size is even bigger. Countries like Argentina, Uruguay and Colombia have already regulated cannabis for either medical or adult use, with sales already in the hundreds of millions of dollars per year. In this context of expansion and change, En Volá positioned itself not just as a pioneer in digital cannabis content in Spanish but also as a key player in the emerging cannabis industry, connecting with an increasingly wide and diverse audience seeking information, education and cannabis-related products. The creation of En Volá wasn't just about launching a website; it was the beginning of a cultural dialogue that would address cannabis topics from a perspective never before seen in the region. With a focus on user-generated content at first, the project quickly evolved into a cannabis content platform that has now accumulated nearly 62 million views on YouTube alone. This compares to Cannacribs’ 31 million views, House of Weed’s 49 million and Forbes’ 200 million; not too shabby, right? "A community quickly began to grow around this portal," Simón notes, highlighting the rapid acceptance and explosive growth of En Volá. All one needs to do is walk the streets of Santiago de Chile with Simón to realize how beloved the platform and its team members are: not one hour will pass without Simón being stopped by a random person asking for a selfie or looking to deliver a gift. What started as a modest Tumblr blog transformed into an authoritative voice in cannabis culture, both nationally and internationally. The company’s strategy, deeply rooted in listening to its community, allowed the Espinosa brothers and their team to capture the needs and curiosities of their audience. This closeness with followers became the engine of their growth: "The base of our strategy is quite simple: we listen to our community, or read them, actually," Simón says. Humor And The Mainstreaming Of Cannabis Simón wearing Crocs. COURTESY OF EN VOLÁ The leap from a blog to becoming a phenomenon on digital platforms like YouTube and Instagram not only demonstrates the team's ability to adapt and evolve but also its commitment to creating content that educates, entertains and connects the global cannabis community, all at the same time. Authenticity and genuine interest in cannabis have been key to attracting meaningful collaborations, including renowned brands like Adidas and Crocs, which no longer see weed as a niche or fringe topic, but rather as another customer demographic to tap into through colorful winks to its culture. "That genuine interest is what makes our content organic," explains Simón, underlining how a passion for the subject has allowed En Volá to transcend the cannabis niche and capture the attention of a broader audience. Beyond content, this is a story of innovation and entrepreneurship. Simón’s curiosity and entrepreneurial spirit led him to venture into the business of importing and distributing cannabis paraphernalia, addressing the lack of quality options in the local market. "I began to research and realized that other people, in other parts of the world, had the same concern," he recalls. This entrepreneurial venture not only complemented the platform’s content but also reinforced its position as a leader in cannabis culture, showing that its commitment went beyond words and translated into concrete actions to improve the cannabis consumer experience. As En Volá solidified its digital presence, its focus expanded beyond entertainment to embrace a deeper mission: to educate and change the public perception of cannabis. This evolution reflects a commitment to empowerment through information, responding to a palpable need for knowledge in a society marked by decades of stigmatization and misinformation about cannabis. "We realized that the lack of information was absolute," comments Simón, emphasizing the importance of education in building an informed and conscious community. In this context, the venture morphed into an educational resource, using humor and creativity as tools to make information about cannabis accessible and easily digestible. It was not a lecture or a TED Talk, it was now edutainment. The strategy of combining entertainment with education proved to be a resounding success, allowing the team's message to reach a wide and diverse audience "by delivering our message to many people who probably wouldn't have been willing to listen if they hadn't been laughing while watching our videos." The collaboration with recognized brands, including Adidas, marked a milestone in En Volá's trajectory, evidencing the cultural shift around cannabis and its growing acceptance in the mainstream. These collaborations, far from diluting the platform’s essence, reinforced its identity and mission to destigmatize cannabis. "We have never felt that cannabis is a niche; quite the contrary, cannabis is mainstream," asserts Simón. As the team navigated the complex legal and social challenges inherent to the cannabis space, it remained steadfast in its commitment to education and legality. The strategy to overcome these obstacles consisted in delving into the knowledge of legislation and civil rights. "The most important thing has been to educate oneself and strictly advise on our drug law, our institutions, media law and civil rights," notes Simón, demonstrating the importance of playing by the rules, even when seeking to change the game. Loading... Loading... Global Ambitions The upward trajectory of En Volá has been marked not only by its cultural impact and innovative content approach but also by its strategic vision toward expansion and diversification. Looking to the future, Simón envisions a plethora of opportunities, not just in terms of audience growth but also in exploring new markets and diversifying its content offering. "We will continue to nurture that relationship [with our audience] and grow with new content in more and more Spanish-speaking countries," affirms Simón. Pascual Espinosa. COURTESY OF EN VOLÁ This international focus is not a distant aspiration but a reality in the making. En Volá's resonance has already crossed Chile's borders, finding echo in Latin American countries, Spain and areas where Hispanics have significant cultural and economic influence, like Florida and California, a reach that stands as a testament to the platform’s ability to adapt and resonate in different cultures, demonstrating the universality of its message and the relevance of cannabis as a subject of global interest. But En Volá's influence extends beyond content creation, positioning itself as a vital bridge between consumers and the cannabis industry. The platform has emerged as an invaluable resource, offering a unique mix of educational, informative and entertaining content. This unique position in the market has not only consolidated the business’ initial success but also broadened its impact. "We have helped foreign companies enter our market and also numerous local companies enter markets in the Northern Hemisphere," Simón comments. Adaptability and foresight have been crucial to En Volá's continued success amid the challenges of the digital content industry. "Being on all platforms is very wise, understanding that, any day, a social network could shut us down," mentions Simón, bringing up the constant closures that cannabis-related pages grapple with on social media platforms, especially on Instagram and TikTok – a topic we’ll explore in detail in an upcoming story. This strategy has allowed En Volá to remain relevant and appealing to its audience, even in a constantly evolving and hard-to-navigate digital landscape. 'Trust Your Instinct' En Volá's commitment to its original roots and values remains a fundamental pillar of its long-term strategy, Simón argues. The deep connection with its origin and community is key to establishing a lasting legacy. En Volá inspires and empowers, fostering an environment of learning and collective growth. "Our editorial line has always been clear: creativity, humor, and education," he states. The legacy of En Volá, palpable in every viewed video, recommended product and challenged stigma, is a story of how passion, creativity and genuine commitment can transform a cultural space. The Espinosa Brothers and their team have navigated the complex cannabis landscape with a mix of boldness and wisdom, proving that it's possible to be a positive agent of change in an industry surrounded by controversy. What’s more, this story is a testament to the power of conscious communication and digital activism. Looking to the future, Simón does not see En Volá simply as a content platform but as a key agent helping drive the transformation of the perception and understanding of cannabis globally. "Our vision is to be a reference not just in content, but also in the way society perceives and understands cannabis," he emphasizes. This ambition reflects a commitment not just to the growth of the platform but to the broader social and cultural impact of its work. Simón Espinosa gets high. COURTESY OF EN VOLÁ The true legacy of En Volá, however, transcends follower numbers or brand collaborations. It lies in the personal stories of change, in conversations between parents and children, in the relief of those who found a medicinal solution in cannabis and in the entrepreneurs inspired by its example. "It's been very exciting, hearing the stories of thousands of children who repeat 'Thanks to you, I was able to explain to my parents why I smoke,' and thousands of parents who answer 'Thanks to you, I was able to talk about the topic with my children'," shares Simón, highlighting the emotional and personal impact of En Volá on its community. In a world where digital content is ephemeral and attention is fleeting, En Volá has managed to create something enduring: an informed, empowered and connected community. Constant adaptation to the digital content industry has been crucial, allowing the platform to not just survive but thrive. "The digital content and entertainment industry is very dynamic... change is permanent and desirable," reflects Simón. This proactive approach to innovation and adaptability has been key to its continuous growth and relevance. Finally, Simón's advice to other content creators looking to delve into niche topics like cannabis resonates with a call to authenticity and passion: "Always trust your instinct and, if you are able to identify your passion in this world, chase it." These worlds encapsulate the essence of what has made En Volá a phenomenon: an unbreakable passion for the subject, a commitment to authenticity and an unwavering dedication to education and empowering its audience. En Volá positions itself not just as a media outlet but as a catalyst for cultural and social change in the perception and understanding of cannabis. As the world moves towards greater acceptance and recognition of cannabis, the platform’s contribution to this shift cannot be underestimated. Its story is an inspiration for future generations and a shining example of how to tackle complex topics with humor, honesty and an indefatigable creative spirit. Follow me on Twitter or LinkedIn. Check out my website or some of my other work here. This article was originally published on Forbes and appears here with permission. It does not represent Benzinga's reporting and has not been edited for content or accuracy.