Cannabis Investors Share 'Chips Make Chunks' Wisdom For Business Expansion At Benzinga Conference

2024-04-21 15:49:00+00:00 - Scroll down for original article

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Loading... Loading... How do you scale a cannabis business? What strategies should companies employ? These pivotal questions set the stage at the recent Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference in Florida, where industry leaders gathered to share their insights amid the sector's dynamic challenges. Moderated by Barbara Webb, a tax partner at MGO, the panel featured John Levine CEO of MariMed MRMD, Seth Yakatan, co-founder of investment firm Katan Associates and Alex Gray, co-founder and CSO of Good Day Farm. Strategic Expansion And Capital Challenges John Levine discussed MariMed’s targeted growth strategy, emphasizing the importance of strategic expansion through vertical integration across several states, in addition to the active pursuit of mergers and acquisitions. "Our focus is to continue our strategic plan of expanding in each of the states that we're in till we're fully vertical in each of those states, maxing out the number of licenses in each of them," Levine said. This ambitious expansion strategy is critical in a competitive landscape where scale can significantly impact market presence and operational efficiencies. The conversation turned toward the hurdles of raising capital in a sector that, despite its growth, remains financially intricate due to regulatory constraints. Focusing On Core Strengths Seth Yakatan offered a contrasting perspective, emphasizing the significance of concentrating on a few core areas that promise substantial cash flow rather than diluting efforts across too broad an array. Yakatan’s advice to businesses is about mastering select areas of operation, "For me, scale is figuring out the 1 or 2 things as a company that you do well that generates cash flow for you...the mistake is people have tried to do 7 or 8 things at the same time and grow on a massive scale." This strategy marks a shift from previous industry tendencies towards rapid, broad-scale expansion. By focusing on core strengths, businesses can avoid the inefficiencies and diluted efforts that often accompany overextension. Yakatan's insights highlighted a more sustainable path to growth in the cannabis industry, where a focused approach can lead to better profitability and long-term success. Loading... Loading... Efficiency And Cost Reduction Alex Gray spoke on behalf of Good Day Farm, emphasizing scaling earnings through efficiency and cost-cutting measures across the business. The approach of "chips make chunks" involves scrutinizing all aspects of operations to improve margins and operational efficiency, which is crucial for sustainable growth. Supply Chain And Market Adaptation The panelists agreed that scaling in the cannabis industry faces unique challenges, notably supply chain complexities and market-specific regulations. The necessity of adapting product offerings and packaging to comply with diverse state regulations underscores the intricacies of scaling in this sector. The discussion also highlighted the variance in scaling strategies between larger companies and small to medium enterprises (SMEs). While larger entities might focus on strategic acquisitions and extensive capital investments, SMEs often prioritize operational efficiencies and niche market penetration to grow. Investor Perspectives Changing investor attitudes towards scaling in the cannabis industry were discussed, with a notable shift towards valuing sustainable growth and operational efficiency over rapid expansion. The conversation underscored the importance of cash flow, strategic capital allocation, and the adaptability of business models to the unique demands of the cannabis market. Photo: AI-Generated Image.